In in this article you can learn about the north node in Cancer. This is one of the more challenging positions of the nodal axis. This means that your south node is in Capricorn, which is not an easy sign.
Whether some of the most important life lessons your soul wants to learn if you have your natal north node in Cancer?
This position suggests that in the past, you worked hard for survival. Many people with a Cancer north node had to face serious adversities at a young age. You are used to struggles and fighting in a ruthless and hostile environment. This often gives you a feeling of unease if things are going well.
The north node in Cancer suggests that you need to focus on your private life more. There is a tendency to be a control freak. This makes it hard for you to have truly nurturing relationships with the people that closest to you. Finding the optimal work-life balance is not easy with a Cancer north node in the birth chart.
The north node in Cancer indicates that in this lifetime, you need to focus on your relationship with others around you, especially family members.
With the north node in Cancer, you tend to be overly critical. You are especially hard on yourself. But you are also hard on others. People who have a different character are somewhat of a mystery to you and you find it hard to understand their emotional nature. In the past, you probably neglected this part of you, and now it is time to discover that you also have vulnerable, emotional side. The north node in Cancer suggests that in this lifetime, you need to develop empathy and learn to tune into your emotions.
The north node in Cancer automatically means that your south node is in Capricorn. This position is somewhat similar to having the north node in the 4th house.
Keep reading to learn more about the north node in Cancer in astrology!
North Node in Cancer and South Node in Capricorn
You can understand the present and the future better if your first reflect on the past. In the birth char, this is described by the south node. What are some of the things the south node in Capricorn reveals about your past?
From a karmic point of view, a Cancer north node and Capricorn south node is a very hard placement. This position suggests that some burden from the past incarnation is brought over to this lifetime. Now, you will have the opportunity to let go of the past and undergo tremendous spiritual growth. However, this is not an easy process. You need to make a lot of effort in order to learn the lessons of the Cancer north node.
People with this position are used to working hard and surviving in an often hostile environment. Your early life was often challenging with this placement in the birth chart. Some people had to face scarcity, others had a lot of burden on their shoulders at a young age, some form of responsibility was always present in your life. You have no choice but to keep fighting for survival.
This also means that you often stifled your emotions. The north node in Cancer suggests that in this lifetime, you need to tune into your feelings. It is useful with this position to focus on your inner world. In the past, you were used to external validation.
People with the north node in Cancer were often very successful in the past. With this position, you have high ambitions, but for some reason, it can happen that you are restricted from achieving your goals. In these moments, learning to give emotional support to yourself is very important with the north node in Cancer.
People with the south node in Capricorn have learnt that they can only count on themselves and there is a tendency to want to control everything. You are an excellent manager. In the past, you had plenty of opportunity to control the workflow and you were often in control others, too. People with north node in Cancer were sometimes authority figures in the past. They are used to being in control and being responsible for how things work out. In the present, this can make them often act in a bossy, cold, detached way.
Learning to go with the flow and take into consideration both your and other people’s needs is important. We cannot control everything, and have to come to terms with this fact. The north node in Cancer suggests that there are some undercurrents that must be acknowledged. You need to trust the process. There are some things that are are outside of the domain of the intellect. With the north node in Cancer, your soul wants to explore your emotional nature on a conscious level.

Capricorn is a cold, emotionless sign. Cancer, on the other hand, is the sign of softness and nurturing. It is hard for these people to own these traits. In the past, you spent a lot of time in the energy of Capricorn. This sign is incredibly useful when it comes to creating structures and finding out how to solve the problem. However, you need to work on your emotional side.
North Node in Cancer
The south node in Capricorn suggest that you spend a lot of time alone in the past. You didn’t have to make compromises. In the present, this is often challenging to you. With the north node in Cancer, you have to learn that sometimes you need to make sacrifices in the relationship in order to to make the other person’s needs met.
People with the north node in Cancer need to learn to nurture fulfilling relationships with people close to them. You need to get close both to yourself and to other people. A Cancer north node suggests that you are afraid of acknowledging your vulnerabilities. You want to hide them under a hard shell. Nevertheless, there is a deep sense of insecurity with this position.
People with the north node in Cancer are often afraid of relationships. With this position, you prefer career to raising a family. The south node in Capricorn suggests plenty of experience with making it out there, but in this lifetime, you are intended to connect with your family members.
Nurturing relationships with your family members and your loved ones can help you on this journey. It can happen that at some point in your life you need to take care of others for example a sick family member or or it is required to to focus on your family for a certain time. This is not easy for you, but you can grow under the influence if this experience. In this lifetime, you are supposed to focus on people rather than on achievements.
The north node in Cancer yes sometimes indicates that person is afraid of intimate relationships. There is a strong tendency to fall back on your south node in Capricorn, retreating into the safe world of work and logic. It is important to understand that to be human means to be vulnerable and sometime irrational. By acknowledging this side of you you become more authentic and find out who you really are. Cancer is a sign of the unconscious mind, and you can benefit from psychotherapy with this position.
The interesting thing is, once you learn to pay attention the feelings you often start to achieve your goals more easily. Developing empathy helps you connect with people better and they start the support you on your journey more.
Learning to focus on emotions is the key life lesson in this lifetime. In the past, you didn’t have to deal with feelings. But now, you need to connect with this side of human existence. People with this position can fall back on workaholism as a coping mechanism
Another thing that is very important with the north node in Cancer is to pay attention to your intuition. In the past you preferred logic to gut feelings. But in this lifetime, it is your intention that can help you on your journey of spiritual growth.
The Moon’s Nodes in Astrology
While the lunar nodes are not existing physical bodies, they are very important in astrology. Finding your purpose is an excruciating question for many people. This is exactly what the lunar notes can help you with. In the birth chart, the north node represents your reason for being here on this planet. The north node is your life purpose, the lessons you need to learn in this lifetime in order to grow. The south node, on the other hand, shows your pas. This point is very familiar to you . You excel at the things associated with the sign and house of your south node.
How are are the lunar notes calculated?
As mentioned before, these points do not exist in reality. The Moon’s nodes or calculated as the intersection between the lunar orbit and the ecliptic. They are always exactly opposite each other. This means that if your north node is in Cancer in the 4th house, your south node is in Capricorn in the 10th house. Many astrology softwares only show the north node because based on its position you can automatically know that the south node is directly opposite it.
It takes 18 years for the Moon’s nodes to make a full circle through the Zodiac. This means that the lunar notes spend approximately 18 months in each sign of the Zodiac.
By studying your nodes in the birth chart, you can learn what was your soul’s motivation to be born in this incarnation. The house of the north node is very often a challenging life area. Because it represents something new to you, it takes some time to learn to do it well. After the age of 30-40, it usually becomes easier.
The north node and the south node are also called Rahu and Ketu. They are particularly important in karmic astrology.
If you want to learn more about Cancer, make sure to read this article about the zodiac sign Cancer in astrology.
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