Scorpio is one of the most infamous signs of the Zodiac, if not the most infamous one. It is known for its intensity and deep transformational power. What happens if you have your north node in Scorpio in your birth chart?
In this article, we will take a closer look at this position of the Moon’s nodes. With the north node in Scorpio, there is a strong contrast between comfort and crisis and yours and mine. This can be a challenging placement, for sure! You often make your life harder than it needs to be, especially when young.
In this lifetime, you can learn that there are faster, more effective ways of achieving your goals and that life doesn’t have to be hard all the time. However, it takes a lot of time to realize this, as you prefer your own way of doing things, and you often dismiss the advice of others.
People with a Scorpio north node often find it very hard to trust others and to ask for help. They want to be self-reliant all the time. In the past, material possessions made them feel safe and secure and they took pride in providing for themselves and their loved ones. In this lifetime, they need to realize that they are more resourceful than they believe and even if they have to start from scratch, they can bounce back. With the help of others, they can achieve their goals more easily, no matter what happens to them.
With a Scorpio North node, you want comfort and stability but you have to accept that the change is the only constant and that the transformation process never stops.
The north node in Scorpio automatically means that your south node is in Taurus. A Scorpio north node is somewhat similar to having the north node in the eighth house.
Keep reading to learn more about the meaning of the north node in Scorpio in astrology!

Scorpio North Node Life Lessons
What are your key life lessons in this lifetime?
These are some of the most important things you need to learn in order to grow spiritually with the north node in Scorpio in your birth chart:
- embrace changes
- learn that your value is intrinsic
- accept help
- share
- focus on how you can help others achieve their goals
- let go of what doesn’t serve you anymore, she’d your skin if you have outgrown it
- learn how to work smart instead of working hard
North Node in Scorpio and South Node in Taurus
The lunar nodes are always directly opposite each other. If you have your natal north node in Scorpio, this means that you have your south node in Taurus. In the past, the energy of the Bull was very familiar to you, while you haven’t developed the traits of Scorpio. In the present and future, you will learn how to use this energy and find the traits of Scorpio in yourself.
People who have the south node in Taurus are strongly attached to stability. Creating and maintaining stability is their utmost priority in the first part of their life. In the past, they worked very hard to build wealth and be able to live a comfortable lifestyle. They are cautious and think twice before making a move. Their approach to working and living is low-risk and they prefer hard work, persistence and consistency.
With the south node in Taurus, you have a strong drive to acquire wealth. Financial stability is very important for you in order to feel safe in the world. In extreme cases, this position can suggest very emphasized possessiveness. You hold on to what is yours. For some reason, these people sometimes lose their assets and have to rely on the support of other people. It is very hard for north node in Scorpio people to ask for help and accept it.
You are used to being self-reliant. You take pride in providing for yourself and doing an excellent job. The south node in Taurus often suggests that you worked very hard for survival in the past. This often leads to a mentality that you need to pile up possessions in order to feel safe. People with this position are often very materialistic, and material safety is their utmost goal, especially when young. You are very strongly attached to your possessions. Your boundaries are strong and you don’t take it lightly if someone violates them.
The north node in Scorpio and south node in Taurus indicates that you learned early on what is yours and how you can get what you want. You are reluctant to sharing. Your belongings are very important to you, and enjoy surrounding yourself with quality pieces. Most people with this placement enjoy good food, high-quality materials, a nice home, and they are very sensual. Your senses are refined and you want to own the best of everything.
The north node in Scorpio suggests that you have to learn when your needs are met and how much you actually need, and don’t worry about the rest. You are strongly connected with the material world, and the north node in Scorpio indicates that you can grow by focusing on the mystical side of life in the future. Transcendental experiences help you understand yourself and the world on a much deeper level.
Once you distance yourself from focusing on material wealth (of course, we don’t fully abandon our south node, it just becomes less and less important), you are capable of gaining powerful insight. You are a talented investigator and researcher. Once you learn to tap into the energy of Scorpio, you are able to get to the root of the problem and come up with a thorough plan about how to solve it.
Crisis is an inevitable part of Scorpio. The north node in Scorpio suggests that in moments when you lose everything you learn to look at it as an opportunity to gain something better. You are an extremely strong person, but the road towards finding your strength is often very painful. Traumatic experiences teach you that you are stronger than you thought. Scorpio is the sign of regeneration, and the north node in Scorpio suggests that you can rise like a phoenix many times in your life.
It is very hard for people with the south node in Taurus to let go of control, as they want to be the masters of their fate at any price.
This placement of the north node suggests that the more you give the more you get. It often happens that these people find success when they stop worrying about their future and help others create the future they want. They are usually talented consultants in various fields. For example, as a marketing consultant, you can help others make their business thrive and they help you thrive in return. Synergy and symbiosis are what help you get ahead in this lifetime.
North Node in Scorpio
The north node in Scorpio suggests that you need to find strength in yourself. It is not your possessions that are valuable but you as a human being. Life often throws at these people unforeseen challenges. The north node in Scorpio suggests that your soul grows through crisis. During these time, you have to let go of everything that doesn’t serve you anymore.
People with the north node in Scorpio have to be more open-minded. They can be extremely stubborn. The positive side of to this is s that they have a strong will and if once they make up their mind, they will accomplish anything. At the same time, it is hard for these people to be open to others’ suggestions, no matter that sometimes it would make the journey easier.
One of the most important life lessons with the north node in Scorpio is sharing. Not just sharing their material resources, but also sharing their energy and inner self. This placement suggests that you are a reserved person who is dependable on the surface but deep down, afraid of opening up.
Most people who have the north node in Scorpio crave intimate relationships. At the same time, they are afraid of being vulnerable and loosing their independence. It is hard for these people to commit and it is especially hard to give and take equally in a relationship.
People with the north node in Scorpio often struggle with sexuality when young. They crave connecting on an intimate level very badly, but they are also afraid of it. This life area usually improves with time. Trust is essential for you in a relationship, and you have to trust your partner fully in order to enjoy sex with them.
Depending on the rest of the chart, people with the north node in Scorpio are afraid of intensity and experiences when they lose their power and control over the situation. They want to stand firmly on the ground all the time. Taurus prefers to go slow and steady, while Scorpio loses its head and goes all in. Deep down you are drawn to the intensity of Scorpio, but you are afraid of it at the same time.
The Moon’s Nodes in the Birth Chart
The lunar nodes are calculated as the intersection between the Moon’s orbit and the ecliptic, the perceived path of the Sun. There are two lunar nodes, the north node and the south node, and they are always directly opposite each other.
Why are the lunar nodes important in astrology?
Even though the north node and the south node are not existing celestial objects, they can provide a lot of information in a natal chart or synastry reading. The nodes are a very important part of astrology!
The north node is associated with the your karmic tasks. It shows what are the key life lessons your soul wants to learn in this incarnation. The sign of the north node describes which qualities can help your spiritual growth, and its house tells in which life area this process is likely to happen. Planets conjunct or aspecting the north node in the birth chart are also important.
The other lunar node, the south node has the opposite meaning. The south node is connected with your past. It shows what you have already learned and where you excel. The sign and house of the south node are usually very easy for you, they require no effort.
By understanding your lunar nodes, you can understand the unconscious motivation for growth.
The Zodiac Sign Scorpio in Astrology
Scorpio is a sign that few are indifferent towards. You either love this sign or hate it, but it is bound to evoke strong emotions in you.
Scorpio is the eighth sign of the Zodiac. In the natural chart, it is connected with the eighth house of crisis, death, and regeneration. The planetary ruler of Scorpio is Pluto. Before the discovery of Pluto in 1930, Scorpio was ruled by Mars.
Scorpio is associated with intensity, crisis, transformation, regeneration, rebirth. Those with a strong Scorpio in their birth chart often undergo deep change and they are familiar with crisis. This can be turned into one of the greatest strengths of this sign, the ultimate healing power—which is the purpose of Scorpio.
The negative side of Scorpio includes obsessiveness, jealousy, possessiveness, vindictiveness, manipulation.
If you want to learn more about this zodiac sign, check out this article about Scorpio in astrology!
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