If you want to learn about the meaning of a natal north node in Taurus, you have come to the right place.
In this article, you can learn what are the most important life lessons your soul wants to learn. Besides the direction of your spiritual growth, the nodal axis also reveals what tendencies it is time to leave behind. In astrology, the north node is with your life purpose and your soul’s mission in this lifetime.
The north node in Taurus suggests that as you grow older, you become more grounded and feel at home in the physical world. You learn to rely on yourself and set your own rules, rather than following the values of other people. Developing self-esteem is very important. Creating stability is a key life lesson with the north node in Taurus.
In the first part of your life, you experienced many changes, sometimes even traumatic ones. You became familiar with crisis, and this lead you to having your guards on. It is very hard for you to learn to trust. In this lifetime, you have the opportunity to learn to trust yourself in the first place. Once you trust yourself, you become more confident in life and good things start to come to you.
You also need to learn self-discipline and persistence with a Taurus north node.
If you have your north node in Taurus, this also means that your south node is in Scorpio. This position is somewhat similar to having the north node in the second house and the south node in the eighth house.
Keep reading to learn more about the north node in Taurus in the birth chart!

North Node in Taurus and South Node in Scorpio
In the birth chart, the north node shows what spiritual experience you are yet to learn. But in order to understand your future, it is important to reflect on the past. This is what the south node can help you with. The south node represents what is already familiar to you and what you had a lot of experience with in the past.
Here’s what the north node in Taurus and south node in Scorpio suggest about your soul’s growth process.
The south node in Scorpio suggests that you had your fair share of traumatic experiences in the past. Your childhood and early life was rarely stable with this placement. Scorpio is the sign of trauma: betrayal, loss of trust, abuse, manipulation all belong to the negative manifestation of this sign.
People with a Taurus north node work towards creating a safe and stable environment as adults, as they often lacked this as kids. Because of the lack of good example, you struggle with this as an adult, but as time goes on, you become better and better at it.
This position of the nodal axis often indicates an unconscious attraction to crisis. It is a very familiar state to you, and even though it objectively doesn’t serve you, you are drawn to recreating these scenarios in your life.
Taurus is a very peaceful sign, while Scorpio is the sign of intensity. There is a tendency to disturb the waters of your life if there is nothing going on. You are attracted to drama, often drama caused by others. It can also happen that you are more interested in the life of others than your own life.
The north node in Taurus suggests that you should focus more on yourself. You can pay too much attention to how others live and you often seek validation from them.
The north node in Taurus suggests great people skills. You have a talent for psychology as in the past, you had many opportunities to learn about the human psyche. However, in this lifetime, it is better to focus on the tangible world.
Scorpio is a mysterious, transcendental sign, opposed to the physical reality of the Bull. You feel this clash very strongly in your psyche. The north node in Taurus suggests that in the past, you were drawn to otherworldly experiences, sometimes at the price of not paying enough attention to your mundane, everyday life. You love unearthing secrets and you are pretty good at it. But the bottom line should be discovering secrets in order to make your life better, not to be involved with drama.
North Node in Taurus: Finding Value Within
The most important lesson the north node in Taurus teaches you is to find strength in yourself and have a solid self-esteem. You need to find your own value system. With the north node in Taurus, in the past, you often borrowed the value system of other people.
One of the biggest weaknesses of a Taurus north node is defining your self-worth through others. Do others find me valuable? Do others appreciate me? It is the time to replace these questions with what I find valuable and what I appreciate.
It is particularly important to define yourself based on your criteria alone. You need to support yourself and find your self-worth. Any method that leads to a healthy self-esteem is beneficial with this placement.
The north node in Taurus suggests that in the past, you craved validation from partner and other people. However, by learning to give this validation to yourself, others become more appreciative of you and they usually start to value you more.
The south node in Scorpio suggests a deep desire to merge with others. This is true on many levels, from finances to sex. People with their south node in Scorpio can put too much emphasis on sexuality. It can become a way for you to prove your worth, what is more often a trap than not. The Taurus north node suggests that it is time to feel worthy because of who you are, not because what you can share with others.
As you mature and grow older, you are likely to be driven to create material stability. This placement can indicate an interest in finances, economy, art, food, all kinds of luxurious things. Some people with this placement end up in careers related to Taurus. With the north node in Taurus, you work the best with tangible things. It is important for you to have a life where you can spend time on things you consider valuable.
A natal Taurus north node suggests that your soul wants to enjoy peace and harmony in this lifetime. In order to create this, you need to embrace and cultivate the traits of this zodiac sign. One of the key life lessons of a natal north node in Taurus is learning to be persistent. People with this placement build things step by step. There is little overnight success with this position. Taurus is the sign of persistence and perseverance. Taurus is also a sign that works on their own and enjoys building and creating, while Scorpio prefers sharing resources.
Learning to enjoy life is what the north node in Taurus teaches you. It is important with this placement to be present in the here and now. The more grounded you become, the easier good things come into your life.
With a Taurus north node, it can be very beneficial to spend time in nature. Being outdoors can make you feel more grounded and be more connected to your real self.
If you are not sure during which period was the north node in Taurus, you can find the dates in these tables.
Taurus North Node: The Moon’s Nodes in Astrology
The Moon’s nodes, also called the lunar nodes are calculated as the intersection between the Moon’s orbit and the ecliptic. These points are always directly opposite each other, and they are always retrograde. It takes approximately 18,6 years for the lunar nodes to make a full circle through the Zodiac. This means that they spend approximately 18 months in each zodiac sign. People born during this period share the same north node and south node sign.
When analyzing the lunar nodes in the birth chart, it is important to take into consideration their aspects, sign, and house. Any planet conjunct the nodes becomes very important.
In karmic astrology, the lunar nodes are associated with your past lives and future. If the concept of reincarnation feels strange to you and you don’t believe in it, you can also interpret the south node as your personal past in this life, your early years and childhood.
The south node describes your past. The sign and house of the south node show what traits you already own and in which life area you excel. You are great at the things represented by your south node. You have plenty of experience with them, and they are easy for you.
The north node, on the other hand, is outside of your comfort zone. The north node shows what your soul wants to develop in this lifetime. The sign and house of this point are often challenging, and you tend to struggle with them when young. As you grow older, you become more and more familiar with your north node.
The Zodiac Sign Taurus
In order to understand your Taurus north node, it is helpful to learn a bit about the zodiac sign Taurus.
Taurus is the second sign of the Zodiac. As such, it is assigned to the second house in the natural chart. They both govern similar topics, such as values, possessions, resources, but also self-esteem and what you enjoy in life.
The ruling planet of Taurus is Venus. Knowing this, it is no surprise that Taurus is also about beauty, art, fashion, jewelry, luxuries, money, enjoying the tangible life. As an earth sign (along with Virgo and Capricorn), Taurus is strongly bound to the physical reality.
By modality, Taurus is a fixed sign. Taurus is hard-working, persistent, determined, stubborn. Some of its other keywords include dependable, loyal, hedonist, grounded. Taurus loves stability and comfort, and it is often a major drive for them to create these things in life.
If you want to learn more about Taurus, check out this article about the zodiac sign Taurus.
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