What does the Part of Fortune in 11th house reveal about your luck and good fortune? How to activate it with this placement?
The Part of Fortune here is a fascinating placement. It is in the house of hopes and wishes, in the house which shows everything that comes into your life. The eleventh house is all about the support you get from the universe. You get lucky easily with this placement if you tap into your Part of Fortune.
With your Part of Fortune in 11th house, you have a unique attitude to life which is very valuable and it is your personal pot of gold. When you are aligned with the qualities represented by your Part of Fortune, you have the potential to turn your dreams into reality and fulfill your wishes. You can attract people to you who help you on your journey. Generally speaking, your friends bring you a lot of joy with the Part of Fortune in 11th house in the natal chart.
The Part of Fortune is not a planet or an existing celestial object. It is one of the numerous Arabic parts, which are calculated based on the position of various components of the birth chart. The Part of Fortune is calculated based on the degree of the Sun, the Moon, and the ascendant. This makes it a very personal and significant point in the birth chart. It is said to represent good luck, well-being, joy, worldly success, harmony.
In the natal chart, the house where the Part of Fortune shows in which life area is your pot of gold waiting for you, while its sign describes how you can achieve it. The Part of Fortune is highly sensitive, and transits to it can indicate the possibility for important events.
Keep reading to learn more about the Part of Fortune in 11th house!

Part of Fortune in 11th House: the Visionary
The Part of Fortune in 11th house indicates that the universe supports you in many ways. You just have to be open to receiving. This placement suggests a unique life philosophy. You are creative and have an original approach to most things. Your progressive views sometimes cause you struggles because it can be hard to get your point across. You are focused on the future, sometimes a future not visible yet to others.
The Part of Fortune here suggests a desire to contribute to society. People with this placement often find joy in humanitarian work. They deeply believe in social justice and equality. These values are important to them, especially with Aquarius strong in the birth chart.
These people want to contribute to their community, but they can do this best when they are also willing to accept. You need a balance between giving and receiving. Receiving is an opportunity for others to give and circulate energy.
With the Part of Fortune in 11th house, volunteering often appeals to you. It can happen that such activities lead you to your good fortune, open many doors for you and bring you new opportunities with the Part of Fortune here.
The Part of Fortune in 11th house is a sign of great creativity. This operates the best if there is a balance in you between the playful joy of the fifth house and the innovative, intellectual energy of the eleventh house. You can easily tap into the endless creativity of the universe. When used well, this energy can make you a vessel for great ideas and inspiration. You can help others and contribute if you are willing to share your thoughts and creations with others.
Often, the Part of Fortune in 11th house indicates good luck coming to you through like-minded people. It can be helpful to be involved with group activities and make new acquaintances. With the Part of Fortune here, your network can help you tremendously.
Unless the rest of the chart says otherwise, you enjoy being around your friends. The Part of Fortune in 11th house often brings friends into your life who display the traits of Aquarius: smart, unique, future-oriented, freedom-loving.
To make the most out of the Part of Fortune in 11th house in the natal chart, you have to find harmony within yourself. The luck of the Part of Fortune is one that depends on you (unlike the luck of Jupiter, which is generally considered an external good fortune). The key is to have a good relationship with yourself and let the external world mirror this.
Part of Fortune in 11th House in the Natal Chart
In the birth chart, it is important to interpret everything in context. To understand your Part of Fortune in 11th house better, you have to take its sign and aspects into consideration too.
Besides the house, the following are also important:
- the sign where the Part of Fortune is placed
- the planetary ruler of this sign and its condition in the birth chart.
- planets in aspect to the Part of Fortune
- transiting or progressed planets aspecting the Part of Fortune
Planets that form an aspect to the Part of Fortune become important. The conjunction is the strongest, followed by the opposition. Squares indicate some frustration.
The sign where the Part of Fortune is placed reveals how you can activate it. For example, the Par of Fortune in 11th house in Sagittarius can enjoy playing group sports, forming a study group, or joining religious communities, etc. Someone else with the Part of Fortune in 11th house in Scorpio wants to understand the world on a very deep level, is interested in taboos in society, and ends up with friends who make them transform themselves.
Part of Fortune in Astrology
Also called the Lot of Fortune or Fortuna (or Pars Fortunae), the Part of Fortune is one of the Arabic parts, perhaps the most popular and most frequently used.
What is the Part of Fortune in astrology and why is it important in the natal chart?
The Sun, the Moon, and the ascendant are the pillars of a horoscope. These three describe your conscious self, your emotions and needs, and your identity and physical body. The Part of Fortune is calculated based on the Sun, Moon, and the ascendant, what makes it a blend of these energies and a key point of the natal chart.
The position of the Part of Fortune by houses is dependent on the distance of the Moon from the Sun. To calculate this Arabic part, you have to know your exact time of birth (because the ascendant changes one degree every four minutes). The formula for the Part of Fortune is different for a day chart and a night chart.
In a day chart, the Part of Fortune is calculated as the ascendant + Moon – Sun (in a day chart, the Sun is above the horizon in houses 7-12). In a night chart, the formula is the ascendant + Sun – Moon (here the Sun is in houses 1-6, below the horizon).
This Arabic part is connected with abundance, prosperity, joy, health, success, recognition. It is about well-being in every meaning of the word.
In the natal chart, you can find the Part of Fortune if you are looking for the symbol which consists of a circle and a cross. It looks like this: ⊗.
The Eleventh House in the Birth Chart
The eleventh house is a succedent house. It supports the preceding tenth house of public reputation and professional path. The key life areas governed by the eleventh house are groups and communities and hopes and wishes. The eleventh house is about giving back and receiving at the same time.
The most important life areas of the eleventh house include:
- goals, hopes, dreams
- love you receive
- friends
- groups of people
- organizations
- everything that comes into your life (money too)
In the natural chart, the eleventh house is connected with Aquarius. Several planets in the eleventh house indicate a need to connect with others, make friends, expand your circle. Society plays an important role in your life: you often wish to make changes and contribute. An active eleventh house often suggests a desire to do humanitarian work and volunteer.
If you want to learn more about the eleventh house in the natal chart, visit this article.
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