If you have your Part of Fortune in 3rd house in your birth chart, this article is for you.
What are the advantages of this position?
In the birth chart, the house of the Part of Fortune reveals where is a harmonious flow of energy, in which area you find luck and good fortune. The Part of Fortune is also connected with material and worldly success.
The Part of Fortune in 3rd house suggests that good fortune comes to you through connecting with other people. You need to stay open-minded and curious to feel truly connected with the universe and receive its blessings.
The Part of Fortune in 3rd house can also indicate luck coming to you through your siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, relatives, neighbors, people who are close to you.
This position is somewhat similar to having the Part of Fortune in the zodiac sign Gemini.
Keep reading to learn more about the Part of Fortune in 3rd House!
Part of Fortune in 3rd House
What the Part of Fortune in 3rd house suggests about abundance, joy, and harmony?
In the natal chart, this position emphasizes the importance of communication. The Part of Fortune in 3rd house brings joy through connecting with other people. You can be abundant by being open-minded and curious. Being understood makes you happy and the company of others brings you joy. You can make the most out of the Part of Fortune in 3rd house if you develop an intuitive understanding of the principles of the universe (the 9th house is the opposite of the third, important for the Part of Fortune to function well).
The Part of Fortune here suggests that it is important to be open to the views of others. Understanding others and their point of view brings you good fortune. Connecting with the people around you help you expand your mind and bring new opportunities. Sharing ideas usually bring joy to people with the Part of Fortune in 3rd house.
Communication is one of the most vital skills you can master with the Part of Fortune in 3rd house. The third house is all about connecting with others.
Words often contribute to your good fortune. To you, a good conversation is an opportunity for happiness. The Part of Fortune in 3rd house is usually accompanied by a strong need for self-expression.
This position can indicate an interest in foreign languages or philosophy. The Part of Fortune in 3rd house can suggest literary talent. These people often have a way with words.
If you want to read about the most frequent indicators of this talent, read this article about the indicators of writing talent in the birth chart!
People with this placement are creative thinkers, and this is often a source of good fortune in their lives. It is important to establish a balance between your concrete mind and your higher self. The Part of Fortune in 3rd house can function the best when it is supported by your intuition.
With the Part of Fortune here, you are often attracted to writing, reading, sharing your thoughts and consuming the thoughts of others. Your intellect can help you achieve your goals and create abundance in your life. People with this placement often work in a position where they use their brain power.
Part of Fortune in 3rd house indicates that mental well-being helps you achieve well-being on every other plane.
Learning usually brings you plenty of joy with the Part of Fortune in 3rd house. People with this placement are usually in love with learning, they enjoy reading about various topics and they never stop educating themselves. The Part of Fortune in 3rd house is sometimes accompanied by great hand dexterity. These people can gain great skills.
The Part of Fortune in 3rd house can also indicate good fortune coming into your life through relatives. Your relationship with your siblings (if you have any) can also be a blessing. They can be a source of luck and happiness in your life.
The Part of Fortune in 3rd house often indicates that your immediate surroundings contribute to your success. Some people find joy on exciting short trips, or they like talking to their neighbors or local friends. Socializing usually helps you feel content with the Part of Fortune in 3rd house.

Besides its house, the sign of the Part of Fortune is also significant. The sign reveals how you can activate this energy. If you have planets aspecting your Part of Fortune, make sure to pay attention to them. Transiting planets or progressed planets are important influences, too. They often trigger an event in your life (the nature of the event depends on the planet, Jupiter transits can be extremely lucky, while malefics are not necessarily easy to deal with).
The Part of Fortune in Astrology
What is the Part of Fortune in astrology, and why is it important?
This Arabic Part is perhaps the most popular, it is frequently used in chart reading. There are numerous Arabic parts in astrology. The Lot or Part of Fortune is associated with harmony, joy, good fortune, luck. This is somewhat different from the luck of Jupiter, as it depends on you and your ability to serve others with your talents and joy. The Part of Fortune depends on the position of the Sun, the Moon, and the ascendant, the three key features of the natal chart. This makes it very special, as it can be seen as the essence of you.
In order to calculate the Part of Fortune, you have to know your exact time of birth. The formula is the function of the degree of the ascendant, Moon, and Sun in the natal chart.
The calculation differs for day charts and night charts. (In a day chart, the Sun is placed in houses 7-12, in a night chart, it is below the horizon, in houses 1-6).
In a night chart, the Part of Fortune is calculated as the ascendant + Sun – Moon. For a day chart, the formula is the ascendant + Moon – Sun.
In the birth chart, the house of the Part of Fortune is usually a life area where you can easily succeed. The zodiac sign where the Part of Fortune is placed shows how you can activate this point. To make the most out of the Part of Fortune, you have to be happy and fulfilled, and strive to help others with your joy and talents.
To fully understand the Part of Fortune in your natal chart, you have to analyze its position by house and sign, and all the aspects it forms with the rest of the chart (the orb should be tight). When progressed or transiting planets touch the Part of Fortune, important events often occur in your life.
The symbol of the Part of Fortune is a circle with a cross in it.
The Third House in the Chart Wheel
What are the things you need to know about the third house in the birth chart?
The most important life areas connected with this house are communication and learning. As a decadent house, planets here manifest on a mental plane.
Besides communication, the third house is also the house of places close to you, people living in your immediate environment, but also relatives. The third house also represents your peers in school, elementary education.
Short trips, transportation, vehicles also belong to the third house.
In the natural chart, the third house is associated with the zodiac sign Gemini. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, and Mercury is in accidental dignity here.
If you want to learn more about this house, make sure to read this article: the third house in astrology.
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