The Part of Fortune is so fun to learn about. This Arabic part is all about prosperity and abundance.
What happens if you have your natal Part of Fortune in 7th house?
This placement suggests that good fortune often comes to you through other people. You usually thrive in one-on-one relationships, and your partners bring joy into your life.
In the birth chart, the Part of Fortune shows where is your pot of gold waiting for you. Also called the Lot of Fortune, this point is highly personal, it can be viewed as the essence of your being, because it is calculated based on the big three of the chart, the ascendant, your identity, the Moon, your emotions and intuition, and the Sun, the conscious self. The Part of Fortune blends them, and shows when are truly in harmony with yourself. It is associated with luck, well-being, joy, health, worldly success.
Keep reading to learn more about the Part of Fortune in 7th house!

The Part of Fortune in 7th House in the Natal Chart
What does the Part of Fortune in 7th house reveal about your path to prosperity?
People who have the Part of Fortune in 7th house often have a strong desire for partnerships. They feel better about themselves in the company of a person they love.
People with this placement often find harmony and success in partnerships (unless there are other, restricting aspects in the natal chart). Once you find the ‘perfect’ partner, your life usually starts to change for the better. But in order to achieve this, you have to create balance between the first house and the seventh house, the house of self and the house of others.
To make the most out of your Part of Fortune in 7th house, it is important to acknowledge and own this house. If this sounds confusing, don’t worry, here’s what it means. The seventh house is the opposite house from the first house of identity. The seventh house can be a blind spot, something you don’t recognize in yourself and project onto others.
With the Part of Fortune in 7th house, the most important thing is to be whole on your own. Dependent tendencies can prevent you from finding your pot of gold.
This placement can be great for professions related with the seventh house, for example, consulting or any activity that is in one-on-one form, but also for judges, lawyers, people who deal with contracts and legal matters. The Part of Fortune in 7th house can also indicate good fortune in dealings with the public.
The Part of Fortune in 7th House in Signs
Besides the house where it is placed, the sign of the Part of Fortune is also essential to analyze. The sign describes how you can activate it. For example, the Part of Fortune in 7th house in Aries is completely different that the Part of Fortune in 7th house in Capricorn. In the first case, independence is very important for the person in a relationship. With the Part of Fortune in Capricorn, they operate the best in long-term, serious relationships.
There are some more factors you have to take into consideration when talking about the Part of Fortune:
- the ruler of the sign of the Part of Fortune and its condition and placement in the birth chart
- aspects to the Part of Fortune from the rest of the chart
- transiting and progressed planets that can trigger an event.
As always, it is a must to look at the big picture, and not analyze things out of context.
The Part of Fortune in Astrology
There are numerous Arabic parts in astrology that were widely used throughout the ages. These parts are fictional points, not existing celestial bodies. The Part of Fortune is one of the most popular (knowing its meaning, this is no surprise!).
Sometimes also called Fortuna or the Lot of Fortune, the Part of Fortune tells how you can achieve a state of general well-being: emotional, spiritual, physical, material. This point is about harmony on every level of existence.
As mentioned before, the Part of Fortune is a mathematical point in the birth chart. To calculate it, you have to know the position of the ascendant, the Sun, and the Moon. The exact formula for the Part of Fortune depends on if you were born during the day or during the night. In a day chart, the Sun is placed in houses 7-12, above the horizon, while in a night chart, it is below the horizon, in houses 1-6.
You can calculate the Part of Fortune in a day chart using this formula: the ascendant + Moon – Sun, and using this for the Part of Fortune in a night chart: ascendant + Sun – Moon.
How to find the Part of Fortune in your natal chart? Look for the symbol that looks like a circle with a cross in it: ⊗.
The Seventh House in the Natal Chart
If you want to learn more about this house, read more here: the seventh house in the natal chart.
The seventh house is an angular house. This means that its cusp (in some house systems) is its angle, the descendant. The descendant is the point exactly opposite the ascendant, and as such, it is the part of you identify with the least.
(You can read about the ruler of the seventh house through the houses here.)
What are the most important life areas governed by the seventh house?
This house is often associated with marriage, but there is more to it. The seventh house is all about partnerships and the partners you are attracted to/attract, no matter if it is a romantic relationship or business.
The seventh house also governs open enemies, publicity, legal matters.
In the natural chart, the seventh house is connected with Libra, the seventh sign of the Zodiac. Libra is the sign of harmony and balance. Ruled by Venus, it is focused on interpersonal relationships.
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