There are a couple of ways to feel the icy breath of Saturn on your neck. Saturn in second house people feel it in their wallets.
Saturn is always a challenging planet in the natal chart. It shows what karmic lessons you have to learn in this lifetime (usually the ones you don’t want to touch with a ten feet pole). With your natal Saturn in the second house, you have to master being self-reliant and working hard.
Sooner or later, you have to face your fears and challenges, represented by this infamous planet called Saturn in astrology.
Saturn in second house people have this Saturnian fear related to finances and possessions, and especially scarcity. They are usually afraid of being poor, standing there in the world without any assets to rely on. Because of this, they tend to be perhaps not stingy, but very frugal. Saturn in the second house knows how to save money, that’s for sure.
Even though Saturn in second house indicates financial struggles, there is more to this placement: a deep feeling of worthlessness and extremely low self-esteem. This is perhaps even more important to get over, and once you build self-confidence, material abundance usually follows.
Learn what it means in astrology if you have your natal Saturn in the second house in your birth chart!
Natal Saturn in Second House
Saturn in the second house takes finances very seriously. No unnecessary spending here, however, you have a lot of savings. You value long-term investments and try to acquire wealth. In the second part of your life, Saturn in second house can make you very well-to-do, thanks to your responsible financial habits.

You understand what it means that life is a marathon, not a sprint. Saturn in the House of Values has a high opinion about hard work and persistence. One of the lessons that you have to learn in this lifetime is that good things take time.
Saturn in the second house indicates that you are afraid of losing your possessions and money. Saturn in this house sometimes delays financial success.
If you have your natal Saturn in the second house and you are living paycheck to paycheck, know that Saturn problems tend to get better after your Saturn return. You become wiser and more mature, and it becomes easier to assert yourself.
In the birth chart, Saturn represents your fears. Saturn in second house people often feel that they are not financially secure, no matter how much money they have. You can be really well off, and on the inside, still be afraid of poverty. Saturn’s fears are usually deep-seated, and not easy to get rid of.
Saturn in Second House and Early Life
Saturn in the second house suggests that you had to learn how to live on minimal resources when you were a child or young adult. Perhaps there were few material resources, or because of some reason, they were not available to you.
In some cases, you had to start working at a very young age.
People with this placement sometimes come from poor families. There was scarcity while growing up, and you learned not to ask for more. This might have caused problems in your adult life, too. Some people with their natal Saturn in the second house are afraid to ask for money when you do some work.
Often, you were (or felt) poorer than your peers in childhood. Perhaps this contributed to your low self-esteem: you felt that you were worth less because you had less.
Low Self-Esteem and Saturn in Second House
This is the catch with Saturn in the second house: you have a hard time charging money because you don’t feel that you are worth it. Low self-esteem is a characteristic trait of this placement in astrology.
Saturn learns (teaches you) the hard way. Understanding this planet takes a lot of time, that’s why Saturn challenges improve significantly only after the first Saturn return in most cases.
With Saturn in the second house of values, you have to learn to value yourself more. Self-confidence doesn’t come easy to you, though. You usually have to work consciously and persistently on building it up.
Sometimes you tie your self-worth to how much money you make. There are a lot of people who experience Saturn in second house as an issue with self-esteem, rather than as scarcity in the physical world.
As always, there are several factors in the birth chart that color how a placement plays out in your life and personality.
Saturn in Second House and How You Can Make Money
No get-rich-quick schemes here. Saturn in second house has to work hard. This is a karmic lesson for you to master in this lifetime.
Are you doomed forever with Saturn in the second house? No. It sounds like a no-brainer, but with Saturn in second house, you can make money the most easily in Saturnian ways: through old things, cold, stones, etc.
The house ruled by Saturn in second house is also important. The matters of this house support your finances and possessions. You shouldn’t neglect the sign on the cusp of the second house either. For example, Aries there can make money on their own or in some Aries way, while Libra on the cusp benefits financially from partnerships.
It’s also likely that you will have to work hard for your money, but this doesn’t mean that you have to be poor all your life. You will have to put in the hours, however, and build something with patience and dedication.
But in the long run, Saturn in second house can make you successful is you are not afraid of doing the work.
As they often say, Saturn delays but never denies.
You can often read that having your natal Saturn in second house is a predisposition for poverty. But this doesn’t have to be the case: the are plenty of wealthy people with this placement.
As with Saturn always, the life areas in question tend to get better after the age of 30 (after your Saturn return).
When young, you often work jobs that you don’t enjoy and don’t pay well. Building up experience through time can help you a lot to become financially successful.
Meaning of Saturn in Astrology
Saturn is a very important planet in astrology, but it’s not an easy one. Where you see Saturn, you can expect struggles and hurdles. You are tested, and you can succeed only if you learned your lesson. In karmic astrology, Saturn is one of the most important things to look to in the birth chart.
What are some of the things associated with Saturn in astrology?
- authority figures
- delays
- time
- limitations
- discipline
- hard work
- eternity
- cold and winter.
Saturn is a very interesting planet. It’s often called the taskmaster of astrology. It’s Saturn’s role to judge you through time. If you worked hard and stayed persistent, Saturn will reward you. If this is not the case, you have to learn the lessons of this planet before you can level up with life.
Saturn is the ruling planet of the zodiac sign Capricorn, and it’s in accidental dignity in the tenth house (which is the house of career and public reputation).
If you want to learn more about Saturn in astrology, look up this article about the meaning of Saturn in the natal chart!
The Second House in the Natal Chart
The second house is the house of possessions. It’s associated with the earth sign Taurus, the sign of hard work and stubbornness. The second house is a succedent house, supporting the matters of the preceding first house, the house of self.
In the natal chart, the second house shows what you value in life, your financial assets, and possessions, and also your talents and other resources in life.