If someone asked you what it means to be a Virgo, you’d probably immediately come up with analytical, painstaking, clean, and above all, perfectionist.
There is an abundance of stereotypes circulating about Virgos in astrology. For sure, the main keywords for Virgo include logical thinking, criticism, and reserved, but there is much more going on under the surface. In this article, we’ll scrutinize this amazing sign of the Zodiac.
Here Are Some Cold Facts on Virgo in Astrology
Following Leo, Virgo is the sixth sign of the Zodiac. Its planetary ruler is savvy Mercury, the planet of reason and logical thinking. As an earth sign, Virgo is famous for her practical approach to problem-solving. Earth signs are focused on the here and now.
Each zodiac sign is associated with a house. In astrology, Virgo is connected to the sixth house of the natural chart. This house handles the life areas of work and health, and other everyday activities you must repeat every day such as brushing your teeth or feeding your pet.
Because of Virgo’s relationship with health and healing, some astrologers consider that the asteroid Chiron fits Virgo better as its ruling planet. (In astrology, Chiron is the archetype of the wounded healer.) In the human body, Virgo rules the intestines, gall bladder, liver, and pancreas.
The word Virgo is Latin for Virgin. Contrary to the popular belief that it’s about a young woman, Virgo actually refers to a child entering puberty who always speaks her mind and is not afraid to tell the truth. The glyph of this sign comes from the Greek spelling for the word Virgo: ♍.
During the year, Virgo season marks the end of summer. It takes off on the 23rd of August and lasts to the 22nd of September, the September equinox.
Element and Quality of Virgo
As we mentioned before, Virgo counts as an earth sign in astrology. Earth signs include Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. They are the ones in the Zodiac who actually get things done. These signs are focused on the reality of the physical world. It’s their job to figure out how we can survive on this planet. This is not an easy task, so earth signs are the most hard-working and persistent of all zodiac signs.
By modality, Virgo is part of the mutable family, together with Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces. These signs mark the end of the seasons. They are quick to adapt and embrace change in general.
In astrology, each zodiac sign has either masculine or feminine (or you can refer to them as active and passive energy). Well, Virgo is rather gender-neutral, but it counts as a feminine sign.
How to Know If Virgo Is Strong in Your Natal Chart
There are three components in the natal chart that have above-average influence over everyone. These are the ascendant and the position of the Sun and the Moon (both the sign and the house are important.)
Let’s begin with the Sun. If you were born between August 23rd and September 22th, then your Sun sign is Virgo. This means that the very core of your personality has Virgo qualities. It’s important to note that if your Sun is located in the sixth house in your chart, it takes on many overtones of the Sun in Virgo.
If you are Virgo rising, Virgo is still a very important zodiac sign for you. You appear to be a Virgo when someone meets you for the first time, and you often act in a Virgo way. This is especially the case during the first part of your life.
If you have two, three or more planets in Virgo, they make it an important part of who you are. This is especially true if these are personal planets, Venus, Mercury, Mars. If your Mercury is located in Virgo, you are a very smart person. Mercury is “at home” in this sign.

Make It Happen: Virgo in Astrology
If you are a Virgo, consider yourself super blessed because this a very powerful zodiac sign. You know that results take time and with your notorious analytical thinking (good ol’ stereotypes *sigh*) you get very far in life.
When it comes to reasoning, Virgo really wins this game. This sign has the strongest analytical skills of all zodiac signs. (Ruled by Mercury, this is nothing unexpected.) Those born under the Virgin are famous for their powerful mental capacity. It’s no surprise that many of them are talented in the field of mathematics or science. Many great scientists have a ton of Virgo influence in their natal chart.
As an earth sign, Virgo is hard-working and actually gets stuff done. And they actually enjoy getting stuff done. If you had to name the most workaholic signs of the Zodiac, most of us would say Capricorn and Virgo. You can give them any task that requires attention to detail. Painstaking and perfectionist, Virgos thrive on solving problems. They strive to achieve perfection. But it’s important to keep in mind that on planet Earth perfection doesn’t exist ❤️.
Virgo people enjoy building an arsenal of facts. If you give them the right input, they will craft you top-notch answers and solve your problem in no time. This sign is quite methodical and has a scientific approach to most life areas. Rational and cool, Virgos are the best teachers if you want to learn how to live in the present and focus on one step at a time.
Health and Staying Healthy
Medicine and healing, in general, are associated with Virgo. Most doctors and health workers have the sign Virgo emphasized in their chart. Those born under the Virgin have a strong sense of duty, and they don’t even consider abandoning what needs to be done. Virgo in astrology is a natural counselor. If you need some super actionable advice, Virgos are an excellent source of enlightenment, they show you how to stay grounded.
In the natal chart, the sixth house is ruled by Virgo. The matters of the sixth house include work, health, service, but also your everyday routines.
Ask any Virgo and they will explain to you how important routines are for them. People born under this sign prefer a structured day to just going with the flow.
Staying healthy is a top priority for those born under Virgo. These folks prefer to eat nutritious food and make time for exercise, even if just by going for a walk a couple of times a week.
What to Buy for a Virgo -A Guide to Virgo Taste
As an earth sign, Virgo is pretty conservative, but don’t forget that it is mutable by modality, so it’s definitely more open-minded than Taurus, for example. Virgo in astrology prefers to keep life simple and their belongings transparent and spotless.
One of the most well-known stereotypes about Virgo is that this sign is a fanatic cleaner. We can’t lie to you, most people born under this sign do like to keep their homes clean and shinin’. Virgos simply function better in a clean environment without distractions. Minimalism was definitely invented for Virgos, as this sign appreciates simple and natural things.
This is true of their personal grooming style, too. Virgo people don’t like to dress in harsh colors or to wear eccentric accessories. They keep it classy. In general, Virgo has a frugal and modest approach to life. Virgo doesn’t like to show off and brag (they leave boastful behavior to immature Leos). On the opposite, this sign would go with the motto res, non verba.
Weaknesses of Virgo in Astrology
Finally, we have arrived to the critical approach and perfectionism your friends like to annoy you with, dear Virgo. Well, you can’t deny that there is some truth in these stereotypes. In general, Virgos find it hard to cope with stress. Pressure makes their perfectionist tendencies a lot worse. This is the famous scene when the Virgo is drowning in details, not looking at the whole (mess).
Virgos are feared for their criticism and control-freak tendencies. Make sure to show your sympathetic side to people around you every now and then. Virgos can’t stand incompetence and stupidity. If they have to cooperate with people who don’t know what they are doing, they easily lose their patience. But again, unfortunately, not everyone can be as smart as you are, so there is no other choice left than to be tolerant.
If you are a Virgo, anxiety and worry are not unknown to you. You tend to become melancholic and pessimistic if there is too much going on. For this sign, it’s important to learn to trust the process and believe in the positive outcome (of course, if you put in the work – but for a Virgo, this is totally normal.)
As an earth sign, Virgos live in the reality of the here and now. It’s not easy for this sign to leave the material world and enter the realm of emotions and fantasies. If the natal chart of Virgo people isn’t balanced (I mean it is lacking the other elements in astrology), they can’t really understand how can be water signs so emotional or fire signs so fiery.
Virgo in Love
You are very lucky if a Virgo wants to be in a relationship with you. They enjoy taking care of their loved ones and you can always count on them. Those born under this sign most often make perfect marriage material.
Don’t let their calm and reserved appearance misguide you. Virgos are pretty sensitive, it’s just that they don’t advertise it. These signs prefer a stable, loving relationship to random hookups. However, don’t let the name Virgin fool you, Virgos actually have a very strong sex drive. They are monogamous and like to bond deeply with one person.
For this sign, trust is very important in a relationship. They prefer to build it up slowly, but once it’s built up, it will last for a long time. This sign chooses a partner whom they can both trust and respect. Often, they are not just in love with their significant others, but they are good friends, too.
Signs of the Zodiac
Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
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