If you look up the horoscope section of a newspaper, it says that those born under Aries are fearless, sanguine, dominant, fast-paced. Risk excites them. They are keen to explore unknown territories. This Sun sign loves to go first.
This is true to a certain extent-the Sun in Aries astrological placement reflects an essential part of your personality. But as always in astrology, you need to look at the chart as a whole. For example, people born during a Saturn in Aries transit are more likely to be calm and less likely to be loud than your textbook Aries. People whose Sun is conjunct some other planet are not what you expect the typical Sun in Aries to be. Other aspects to your Sun can be just as influential, e.g. a square from Uranus indicates that you are more impatient and hungry for adventures than your average Sun in Aries personality.
That said, your Sun is still in Aries and this sign is important in your chart. In some cases, it takes more time for the Sun’s qualities to truly come out. It can also happen that you perceive this energy to be in conflict with other placements, e.g. water sign or Virgo planets.
Your Sun falls in Aries if you were born between the 21st of March and 20th
April. Aries season marks the beginning of spring and a new cycle of life.
What are some of the universal personality traits of people born with their natal Sun in Aries?
Sun in Aries Personality: If There Is a Will, There Is a Way
Made of fire, Aries is an extraverted sign. It is an active and dynamic energy. People born under this zodiac sign move through life with determination, passion, and faith in their own abilities.
Greatest strengths: courage, leadership skills, innovative approach, natural self-confidence
Greatest weaknesses: adrenaline hunger, impatience, control freak, irritability
When it comes to personality, the Sun is one of the most important signifiers. In astrology, the Sun represents the core of the chart owner’s personality (Aries as your Sun sign works differently than the ascendant in Aries or the Moon in Aries does, despite the similar importance of those placements). If your sign is the Ram, you are probably exuberant, dynamic, brave, and willful.
You live in the present moment. You are grounded and aware of your physical needs and desires. Connecting with your body energizes an Aries.
You are aware of your environment in general. Your reactions are quick and you like being in charge. People with this placement often prefer tangible things and practical application to theory. They stand with both feet on the ground and they are pretty realistic in how they see the world and people.
Aries’s love of pragmatism is also reflected in your desire to take action as soon as possible. Some other signs may want to escape their problems, but not you. Aries Sun people prefer to sort things out immediately when they appear. If an idea you like enters your mind—you start turning it into reality the next moment. Procrastinators annoy you.
You prefer to go about things in your own way and you absolutely love experimenting. Perhaps you would have come out better of a situation if you had listened to your parents’ advice as a child, but you regret nothing. Some Sun in Aries people have trouble taking commands from authority figures. Neither do you care about what others might think of you. You just keep doing your own thing.
Not all Aries people struggle at a young age, but it is pretty common for these people to get into trouble. If Aries Sun children don’t get enough attention, they often misbehave. You might not think about the consequences of your actions when young and end up in potentially dangerous situations. You are full of energy and it’s important that you have healthy outlets.
Overregulated environments leave you frustrated. You need freedom like you need oxygen. When you are stressed or feel blue, you are prone to impatient behavior and you are easily irritated.
Aries Sun folks are usually really proud and they don’t take it nicely if someone offends them. If the rest of the chart points to a hot-headed personality, they might have harsh reactions. An unevolved Sun in Aries personality often has an inflated ego. They might completely disregard the other person and just care about their own wins.
Connected with the root chakra, Aries has an excellent sense of how the material world works. With this placement in your birth chart, you are good at spotting opportunities and coming up with solutions. You are a pretty competitive personality. The Sun in Aries suggests that you are a born warrior. You are brave and excited by challenges. It’s hard to intimidate you. You have an innate self-confidence that helps you fight for what you believe in.
Sun in Aries people are the happiest when they get something done. They can’t stand idleness and boredom. Although they can adapt to unexpected circumstances, they prefer shaping them much more. You have probably heard many times before that Aries is a very capable leader. People born with this Sun sign are often charismatic and they light up the room when they enter it. When they find something interesting, the enthusiasm of Sun in Aries people is contagious. This placement in your birth chart suggests that you are spontaneous and fun-loving, and there’s a playful quality to your character that others find attractive
Sometimes you might prioritize fun to your commitments and obligations. Aries is really impatient. If you don’t get what you want quickly, you end up extremely frustrated.
Aries appreciates original ideas. This zodiac sign is open to changes, although it prefers to be the one who makes them, but they see it as an opportunity for becoming stronger and more resilient. When facing challenges, you don’t give up easily. If it’s something you really want, you can be extremely persistent. When you have a goal, you sometimes choose morally questionable tools to achieve it as well. At the end of the day, what matters to you is to achieve your goal. You are open to unconventional paths.
Sun in Aries people are generally positive and optimistic. They are oriented on the future and new ventures. Failure doesn’t break them.

The Sun in Aries is ruled by Mars (Mars is your Sun’s dispositor). Find your Mars to get more information about how your Sun works in your birth chart. Overall, the Sun in Aries is a pretty good placement since the Sun is exalted in Aries (which is a very strong condition).
Sun in Aries Careers: Done is Better Than Perfect
What about your professional aspirations as an Aries Sun personality?
Needless to say, no matter what you field end up in, you need space to be who you are. You prefer to act independently and you want a job where your individual approach can flourish. You may choose to be a follower but it has to be your choice, you can’t stand it when someone forces you to do something. Many Sun in Aries people have the entrepreneurial spirit. You find many of them working for themselves or running companies.
At the same time, there’s a high possibility that you are attracted to careers that need some physical involvement, e.g. the military, sports, manual labor. You enjoy a job that has tangible results.
If Aries is strong in your chart, you may be impatient and want results ASAP. Aries is more likely to get into trouble than e.g. a Capricorn would be. When choosing a career, you consider the financial side too.
Aries Sun in Relationships
The Sun is not one of the typical relationship planets in astrology (you want to look to your Moon, Venus, descendant for this). However, since the Sun reflects suck a big part of your personality, it’s still important for relationship compatibility.
Aries needs a partner who is encouraging and supportive of them. They don’t like restrictions so it’s essential that they have enough space in a relationship and they feel free. Ideally, your partner makes life seem vibrant when you are together. You want someone who shares your love of adventures and adrenaline. You enjoy pursuing your love interest. To you, the chase is just as fun as a good relationship. Sexuality is important to you.
Open communication is important to you. You are honest and direct, and your partner must be able to communicate this way.
As the zodiac sign of me, myself and I, Aries can be selfish and domineering. An unevolved Sun in Aries might struggle wit this in relationships. This zodiac sign’s polar opposite, Libra teaches the Ram to take everyone’s needs and wants into account and to develop tact.
However, if a Sun in Aries person feel appreciated, they are a ride or die. In a relationship, they are passionate and protective. They are not afraid to stand up for their loved ones and in general, they dislike injustice.
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