Uranus dominant people are easy to spot. They stand out in every crowd because of their unique appearance and personality. Uranus is the most unusual and eccentric (literally eccentric) planet in astrology. When you have a Uranus dominant birth chart, you are just like that, too―original and unique. You are a contrarian.
A strong Uranus dominant planet is similar to having a lot of (and important) Aquarius placements in the natal chart. In astrology, Uranus is the modern ruler of the zodiac sign Aquarius.
A strong Uranian influence in the birth chart is not always easy to deal with, as you will see in a moment. It is very intense, something you either learn to control or it controls you. Outer planets involve struggle sometimes until you learn how to integrate them properly.
Keep reading to learn what having a Uranus dominant planet reveals about you in astrology!
Uranus Dominant Natal Chart: What Stands Out
Let’s begin with learning how to find out which planet is your dominant in astrology!
Dominant planets are easy to spot in the natal chart, either because of their placement or their relationship with the other planets. When you take a look at the chart, you can’t help but immediately notice the numerous aspects and the prominent position your dominant planet has.
If you have a Uranus dominant planet in the natal chart, it infuses the chart and your personality with its uniqueness. Uranus is brilliant, original, but also quirky and weird. It is the awakener in astrology.
Here are some ways you can find out if Uranus is your dominant planet in astrology. The more you find of these indicators, the stronger the influence of Uranus in the birth chart.
- Uranus conjunct the ascendant or the Midheaven: planets conjunct the angles are very powerful. Other aspects are important, too, but the conjunction is the most intense―the energies of the planets completely merge here.
- Uranus in aspect with the Sun
- Uranus in aspect with the Moon
- Uranus in aspect with Mercury, Venus, Mars
- Several planets in Aquarius
- Sun, Moon, ascendant, Midheaven in Aquarius
- A stellium in the eleventh house
People who have a Uranus dominant natal chart are sometimes called Uranians.
If you have this planet strong in your chart, read its meaning by houses to understand it better. If Uranus is one of the angular houses (the first, the fourth, the seventh, and the tenth), it becomes stronger. A Uranus dominant planet also becomes stronger when placed around the angles, in the Gauquelin sector.
You can also use software to calculate your dominant planets.
It is important to note that Uranus is a generational planet. This means that its importance on a personal level is seen through its position by houses more than by signs. Large groups of people share the same Uranus sign, as because of its long orbital period.
Uranus stays in the same zodiac sign for seven years! It has an orbital period of 84 years. Because of this, Uranus in signs is more of a generational influence.
The Planet Uranus in Astrology
If you are not sure about what Uranus exactly stands for in astrology, here’s a short overview.
Uranus is the ruling planet of Aquarius (ruled by Saturn before the discovery of Uranus). Aquarius is an innovative, intelligent, intellectual zodiac sign. People who have a Uranus dominant planet possess these qualities, too.
Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury. It is in accidental dignity in the eleventh house, the house traditionally connected with Aquarius in the chart wheel.
In astrology, Uranus rules technology, science, electricity, electronics, computers, the internet. It also rules innovation, inventions, original ideas, the divine spark.
A Uranus dominant planet makes you brilliant, unique, unconventional, eccentric. This original approach is reflected in everything you do. With challenging aspects, you can be self-willed and rebel for the sake of rebellion. You don’t accept authority figures what is a source of trouble in your life.
Besides technology, Uranus is also associated with rebellion, freedom, independence, social justice, democracy. People who have a strong Uranus or several placements in Aquarius often have humanitarian ideals. The eleventh house, the house of Aquarius is connected with volunteering and giving back to society.
On the other hand, every planet has its weaknesses, too. Uranus cannot deal with emotions. It imply doesn’t know how.
Empathy is not the strongest trait of this planet in astrology, and emotional relationships can be quite challenging until you learn that emotional intelligence is just as important as mathematical-logical.
If you want to learn more about this planet, make sure to read this article about the meaning of Uranus in astrology. In the birth chart, its house and aspects to personal planets are the most important on a personal level.
Uranus Dominant Planet Appearance
What does the Uranus dominant appearance look like, according to astrology?
In the birth chart, the ascendant and the first house describe your physical appearance. The more contact Uranus has with them, the stronger it affects your look. Uranus conjunct the ascendant is the most powerful aspect from this perspective.
It is important that other planets in aspect to the ascendant, planets in the first house, and of course, the rising sign all influence what a person looks like. As always with astrology, especially with cookbook astrology, these are general guidelines rather than an exact description. Our genetics is the main factor, and planets just slightly modify it.

Having a Uranus dominant planet in the birth chart tells that there is something unusual about your appearance. Some Uranus dominant people have unique body structures or they are in some other way unconventional, while others have an original style and wear unusual clothes.
Usually, most Uranus dominant people can be spotted based on the clothes they prefer to wear. They can also have unique hairstyles or they are different than most people in some other way.
A Uranus dominant appearance usually makes you tall and slim. In most cases, people with a Uranus dominant planet are either higher or rarely, shorter than the average person. This planet can give a great bone structure and long limbs. Uranus dominant people often have fair complexion.
This planet makes people quick and nervous, what often results in being accident-prone. Uranus dominants always seem to be in a rush, they walk in a fast pace and they can be quite athletic.
If Uranus is conjunct the ascendant in your chart, sometimes you come across as an Aquarius rising. The Uranus dominant appearance is similar to the Aquarius appearance.
Uranus Dominant Planet Personality
With this planet, your personal values overlap with the strengths of Uranus in astrology. You share a lot of traits with Aquarians.
A Uranus dominant natal chart reflects the traits of this planet strongly. With your Uranus dominant planet, you are probably very smart. In some cases, this planet suggests a brilliant person. When this planet is in contact with the Sun or Mercury (even the hard aspects: square, opposition, quincunx have this effecet), you can expect the person to be extraordinarily intelligent.
The highest manifestation of Uranus is being a visionary, helping humanity advance with your innovative ideas.
When there are severe afflictions in the birth chart, the person can be self-destructive. They have authority issues and cannot fit in, and in the end, they become lonely outcasts. Anger issues can also happen. Outer planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) can be dangerous when they get out of control.
It is important to learn how to make the most out of your Uranus dominant planet, helping both yourself and people around you.
A Uranus dominant planet in the birth chart suggests that knowledge is very important to you. You appreciate smart people and love when you can discuss what’s on your mind with them. Mentally stimulating conversations mean a lot to you.
Actually, for you to choose someone as your friend/partner, you have to find them intelligent and interesting. Without this, the relationship simply won’t work out. Your long-term romantic relationships are often based on friendship.
In your interpersonal relationships, you prefer intellectual friendships rather than emotional connections. This can be a challenge in your love life.
While Uranians are often shy when young, when they grow up, they usually become sociable. Many Uranus dominants enjoy meeting new people (but they have to be interesting, of course). They also enjoy socializing and discussing fascinating topics.
After all, Aquarius is an air sign, and air signs are communicative and love being around others. (The three air signs include Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.)
Uranus dominant people are often reckless. There is a nervousness to this planet and an inner electricity that makes you quite erratic. Learning deep concentration and getting rid of your surplus energy through physical exercise can be helpful with a Uranus dominant planet.
People who have a strong Uranus in their charts often fight for social equality. Many of them enjoy volunteering and meeting people from all over the world.
Uranus Dominant Planet and the Quest for Freedom
Ask any Aquarius about their priorities, and freedom will be almost always high on that list. Uranus dominant people consider freedom and independence to be one of the most important things in life.
Uranus loves disaster. It simply finds order boring, and Uranus needs new stimuli. There is a tendency to rebel with your Uranus dominant planet in the birth chart. You can’t stand being told what to do. If something doesn’t make sense to you, you won’t do it unless you absolutely have too. Uranus dominant people love to break the rules.
Uranus is the most out of the box planet in astrology. People who have it strong in their charts love to experiment and explore new, unconventional ways of living and working. If you are shown one way to do something, you immediately start to wonder if there is a better way to do it.
Often, people with a Uranus dominant planet have unusual careers and life paths.
Uranus dominant people don’t like social norms. They are born questioners: they question the status quo all the time. The house where your Uranus is placed in the natal chart shows the life areas where this tendency is particularly strong.
This can lead to conflicts and problems related to getting along well with others. Fitting in doesn’t come easy to you, and conformists annoy you with what you perceive as restrictions. Uranus is eccentric and enjoys shocking people, and so do people with a Uranus dominant planet.
There is a popular quote that says
“Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable”
Cesar A. Cruz
This sums up Uranian thinking very well, except that they don’t limit it to art, but expand it to everything they do. (In astrology, Uranus is the ruling planet of earthquakes and disasters―this planet loves to shake things up).
If Uranus is afflicted, there can be clashes between you and society. It is important to integrate this planet in a constructive way. Once you accept that a set of rules is necessary to keep society going, and you learn to get your message across in a more polite way, you can be a great blessing to your community.
Uranus Dominant Planet Careers
What are some of the fields with a high percentage of Uranians?
It is important to know that career in astrology is a complex topic. There are multiple factors in the birth chart that you have to take into consideration, and the Uranus dominant planet is only a tiny fraction of the whole picture.
In astrology, this planet rules everything related to the modern age.
Technology, the internet, computer science, software engineering, electrical engineering, anything related to electricity are all ruled by Uranus. This planet also governs intelligence and the brain. With your Uranus dominant planet, you love to use it, and it is the best if you have a career that lets you do so.
You work in a rather erratic way. Having a strict daily routine is probably not for you, unless earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) are strong in your natal chart.
In some way, Uranus is also associated with creativity. Because of its out of the box thinking, Uranus helps us discover new ways of doing something. When you live the positive manifestation of this planet, you can contribute a lot with your unique insight and innovative ideas.
The aspects of your Uranus dominant planet (especially the ones that indicate a harmonious flow of energy: trines ,sextiles) reveal how you can use this energy. For example, Uranus-Venus aspects are frequent in the charts of artist and musicians. Uranus-Mars aspects, are often found in the birth charts of electrical engineers.
It is interesting that Uranus also rules astrology. Most people who are into astrology have Aquarius or Pisces strong in their charts.
Uranus Dominant Planet and Feelings (or the lack of them)
With a lot of Uranus and Aquarius energy in your chart, relating was probably not easy for you.
Some people would say that Uranus dominant people are cold hearted. This is true to some extent, but it’s a better way to put it that they are selectively emotional. Uranus is the planet of emotionless connection, connection based on an intellectual attraction. If you want to convince a Uranian, you’d better use logic and arguments instead of trying to play on evoking emotions.
People who have a Uranus dominant planet prefer the brain to the heart. This is not to say that they don’t love anyone at all. They do, but they love the few special people close to their heart.
Even then, some Uranian dominant people don’t know how to express their feelings properly, in a way that the other person understands. This can lead to misunderstandings and clashes in a relationship.
Uranus doesn’t like deep emotional bonds. Experiencing true intimacy can be hard for people with Uranus as their dominant planet in the birth chart.
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