If you have your natal Uranus in the second house in your birth chart, this article is for you.
Where you find this planet in your natal chart you can expect sudden changes, but also in the corresponding life areas, you are somewhat different than others.
Uranus in second house people have a unique value system. They often live and work in a unusual way. Your finances are often subject to changes.
If you are not sure where is Uranus located in your birth chart, you can find out on the site of astro.com.
Keep reading to learn more about the meaning of a natal Uranus in second house in astrology!
Natal Uranus in Second House
Uranus in second house people have an erratic relationship with money.
Their finances fluctuate: during some periods, they receive a lot of money, and these periods are followed by times when they don’t do so well. Usually, you don’t have a stable income with this placement. Uranus is the planet of sudden changes, and your income is subject to sudden ups and downs all the time. Sometimes you receive large sums of money out of the blue.
Uranus in the second house suggests that you are not interested in finance. People with this placement usually don’t like allocating their time to learn about how money works and how it can be multiplied. You mainly see money as a way to ensure freedom, nothing more.
Because of this, you are not focused on saving most of the time. However, you can benefit a lot from developing better saving habits. Unless Saturn is involved with your Uranus in second house, you have a tendency to be an impulsive spender.
With this placement, finances can be a source of conflict with your loved ones. You have a different approach to this life area, what is not always compatible with the point of view of your partner or family. You can be a self-willed person.
When talking about finances, the aspects of Uranus in second house are very important. With challenging aspects, you can face financial hardships because of careless behavior.
Uranus in Second House and Making Money
Planets in the second house also talk about how you can earn money.
Uranus in the second house suggests that you are not a person who enjoys working in a nine to five position. You have a lot of original ideas how you could make money.

In astrology, Uranus is associated with technology, science, computers, the internet.
You can financially benefit from any of these topics with your natal Uranus in second house. This is an excellent placement for software developers or any ways of making money related to computer science. Of course, when talking about such a complex topic as earnings and career, you have to examine the chart as a whole.
Often, you earn money in unique and unconventional ways. Sometimes you rebel against the traditional ways of making money. Some people with this placement benefit from collaboration with unique people or from some unusual sources.
In some cases, Uranus here can indicate financial gain through inventions of some sort, but for this to be the case, the whole birth chart has to support it.
Uranus in Second House and Your Core Values
Financial assets are an important topic of the second house, but it’s not the only one. The second house in the natal chart also talks about your values and what you find important in life.
With your Uranus in second house, you are not willing to accept the values of others without first evaluating them. Often, you have a unique value system.
Uranus in the second house suggests that freedom is very important to you. It is one of the most important things to you. People with this placement often choose to be freelancers instead of working in a corporate environment, if the chart as a whole doesn’t say otherwise.
Besides freedom, you value individuality and originality. This can make it even harder for you to fit in a traditional environment. Uranus is the planet of independence, and this is also essential for you.
You often spend your money on experiences that make you feel more free, such as travel. You want a lot of new experiences.
Stability is not that important to you, what contributes to the lack of planning when it comes to savings.
With this placement of Uranus in second house, one of the things you value is technology. You often spend on gadgets, and you possess a lot of them. You find innovations very valuable and you often consider science and technology to be the biggest contributor to society.
The Planet Uranus in Astrology
Uranus was discovered only in 1781. This planet is the modern ruler of Aquarius, which was ruled before the discovery of Uranus by Saturn.
Uranus is the awakener in astrology. This planet makes us question the old ways of how we do things and constantly search for new, better methods. People who have a prominent Uranus in their charts are innovators and original thinkers.
In astrology, Uranus is associated with:
- science
- technology
- electricity
- computers
- inventions
- the divine spark
- brilliance
- madness
- rebellion
- revolutions
- sudden changes (if it gets out of control, this can make Uranus violent and dangerous).
Utopian ideals are also ruled by Uranus. With this planet strong in your chart, you have a strong urge to be free. Freedom is one of your most important values, just like individuality or intelligence.
A strong Uranus suggests that you are in some way eccentric, original, bohemian, different than most people. One thing is for sure, you are definitely not a grey mouse.
In modern astrology, Uranus is considered to be the ruling planet of astrology itself.
If you want to learn more about this planet, check out this article about the meaning of Uranus in astrology.
The Second House in the Natal Chart
The second house is traditionally connected with the zodiac sign Taurus. Taurus is ruled by Venus, so Venus is in accidental dignity in this house.
Some of the life areas associated with the second house include financial affairs, your savings, possessions. It’s important that real estate and land belong to the fourth house, not the second.
The other important association of the second house is your values. In your birth chart, this house shows what you find valuable. But this house speaks of your self-worth, too: it shows if you have a low self-esteem.
It is interesting how your earning power and self-worth are intertwined through the second house: the more you believe in yourself, the more you are able to make.
The second house is a succedent house in the birth chart, supporting the matters of the preceding angular house, the first. If you translate it to the life of humans, your possessions support your well-being as a person.
Planets in the second house suggest that possessions are important to you, you stand firmly on the ground, and you know how to enjoy life.
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