There are some connections that feel fated and almost too good to be true. Sometimes they indeed work out, but in other cases, you have to proceed with caution. Neptune is exactly one of those things in astrology. What does the Venus conjunct Neptune synastry aspect indicate about the potential of a relationship?
This is one of the more favorable synastry aspects, but as always with outer planets, it brings some dangers as well. Neptune is a planet of mystical and otherworldly energy. When it touches someone else’s Venus in synastry ,you can expect a magical connection. You find each other special when you meet. Venus conjunct Neptune suggests that you are enchanted by each other, however, whether is your appreciation based in reality is another question. The relationship may or may not last, depending on other factors in the chart.
Synastry is one of the most fascinating astrological techniques. By comparing the birth charts of two people, you can get an idea about the potential of a relationship. It is smart to do a synastry chart when you are considering a partnership with someone. Aspects between each other’s planets can indicate harmonious or less so harmonious dynamics in the relationship (and if maybe you are better off avoiding the other person).
Keep reading to learn more about the Venus conjunct Neptune synastry aspect in astrology!
Venus Conjunct Neptune Synastry
What does this conjunction reveal about your relationship?
This conjunction brings the promise of a fairy tale. You romanticize each other, especially the Venus person the Neptune person. Neptune is a generational planet, so the tighter the aspect the more intense the effect of this conjunction (it should be under 5 degrees). Because of this, it is the Venus person who really feels the effects, as Venus is a personal planet.
The Venus person is also the more vulnerable one. Neptune is one of the outer planets, and outer planets tend to have both a positive and negative influence. The conjunction has both. It can be the indicator of an inspiring and spiritual connection, but it also can open the door to illusions.
The Venus conjunct Neptune synastry aspect is a strong indicator of attraction. Venus Neptune aspects suggest love at first sight. Even if they don’t appear in a romantic context, you are extremely fond of each other in the beginning. There is something ethereal about this relationship.
You perceive each other as special and somehow perfect (the Venus person the Neptune person in particular). Maybe even too perfect. Neptune is a foggy, mystical planet. It makes you detached from reality. This energy infuses your relationship as well—it is hard to see clearly. The negative side of the Venus conjunct Neptune synastry aspect is illusion about the relationship and the other person.
You have similar tastes in art, music, fun. You inspire each other and live is more enjoyable in each other’s company. With Venus conjunct Neptune, you are so absorbed in your own romantic world that you sometimes lose touch with the external reality.

Have you heard those stories when someone comes into a person’s life, makes them feel like they have found the perfect relationship, they appear as romantic, loving, spiritual—only to fool the other person. When people are deceived for support, material gain, etc, it is highly likely that Neptune is emphasized in the synastry chart. Venus conjunct Neptune indicates this potential danger as well (it doesn’t have to happen, but watch out).
When under the influence of this planetary aspect, you are not sure what is happening. You are not in control in this realm of the Venus conjunct Neptune synastry aspect, unless there are some other grounding aspects.
This conjunction can manifest as misunderstandings happening all the time. Maybe you have the best intentions, but for some reason, the relationship lacks clarity.
Neptune dissolves the Venus person’s boundaries and they are completely swept off their feet. The Venus person is mesmerized. They willingly do anything the Neptune person asks them to do. This is especially the case with the hard aspects discussed below, but the conjunction indicates the potential of this kind of behavior as well. It is the best to be careful when dealing with challenging Venus-Neptune aspects.
It is important for the Venus person to avoid getting emotionally involved in the beginning (which is hard to resist). The Neptune person brings out your romantic side, and you can see more into them than what really is there. It is easier to spot any potential red flags early on and quit the relationship if needed. The Venus person idealizes the Neptune person.
Finally, it is essential to analyze the Venus conjunct Neptune synastry aspect in context. The sign of the conjunction describes how it plays out, especially from the point of view of the Venus person. A single aspect won’t make or break the relationship—it depends how it works together with the rest of the chart. And at the end of the day, we have free will, astrology should be seen as a potential rather than a certainty.
Venus-Neptune Aspects in Synastry
What about the other synastry aspects between Venus and Neptune?
These two planets can also form other aspects to each other. Contacts between them are interesting because Neptune is the higher octave of Venus—these planets have a lot of things in common while being different at the same time.
It is important to tell apart the effect of the harmonious aspects and the hard aspects. In the first case, Venus-Neptune aspects in synastry can actually be favorable, while in the second case—maybe it is not a bad idea to run, or at least be very careful.
Find out the meaning of the sextile, trine, square, opposition, quincunx between one person’s Venus and the other person’s Neptune in the synastry chart!
Venus Sextile Neptune Synastry
Venus sextile Neptune in synastry is one of the most romantic aspects. This is favorable in a relationship. With your Venus sextile Neptune synastry aspect, you show each other the magical side of life. You enjoy art together, have fun conversations, listen to similar music, watch similar movies, all in all, your tastes are highly compatible.
Venus sextile Neptune in synastry also indicates strong attraction. You perceive the other person as otherworldly and thrilling, especially the Venus person the Neptune person. You can be too sentimental and corny.
Venus Trine Neptune Synastry
Venus trine Neptune synastry is a very favorable aspect. The energy flows so naturally that all you feel is ease and harmony. This aspect is more powerful than the sextile, but the orb should not be too wide.
Venus trine Neptune synastry suggests that when you meet, you feel that you have met someone special. This is a butterflies in the stomach relationship. There can be a feeling that you have finally found the love of your life, and with the trine between these two planets, there is a potential for a longer relationship that won’t become boring or mundane. (However, for the longevity of the relationship, other connections are needed as well between the rest of the charts).
In a similar way than with the sextile, Venus trine Neptune synastry indicates an almost identical taste in arts as well.
Venus Square Neptune Synastry: In Your Dreams
Now, the square is not like the previous two aspects. The square indicates irritation and frustration between the two planets. In this case, there are conflicts between you that can become quite serious, often spiraling out of control.
Venus square Neptune synastry is one of the more challenging aspects. It suggests the same kind of instant attraction as the harmonious aspects and Venus conjunct Neptune, but soon you find out that reality is different than your perception. It is the Venus person who is more influenced by Venus square Neptune.
This aspect suggests a lot of misunderstandings and illusions, if not lying on purpose. The Venus person is usually never sure of what is going on the with the Neptune person. Sometimes this relationship comes to an abrupt end.
Venus Opposite Neptune Synastry
Just like the trine, sexetile, square, Venus conjunct Neptune, the opposition promises you a relationship you have only seen in the movies as well. You are excited about the relationship and you can perceive the other person as your savior, someone who was sent to you by the universe to save you. However, Venus square Neptune in synastry suggests that you have to face reality sooner than you would like.
Venus Quincunx Neptune Synastry
The quincunx (also called the inconjunct) is a stressful aspect. However it also brings an opportunity for growth, if both partners are willing to make a conscious effort. The Venus quincunx Neptune synastry aspect suggests that you need a lot of conscious effort from both parties and other supportive synastry aspects if you want to overcome it.
Venus quincunx Neptune in synastry operates in a similar way as the square. There is a constant feeling that something is wrong. It seems like you cannot make yourself understood and well-received by the other person.
This aspects indicates a potential for the dangers of the other hard aspects as well.
Meaning of Venus in Astrology
Venus is one of the most significant planets when it comes to relationships. This makes it particularly important in synastry. In your natal chart, this planet tells how you give and receive love, how you express your affection, what are you fond of, how you can attract good things into your life.
Venus is the third brightest object in the sky, the second brightest in the night sky after the Moon. Venus is named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty (she is the Roman equivalent of Aphrodite).
In astrology, Venus governs interpersonal relationships, unions, partnerships, marriage, love, romance. This planet governs money, art, fashion, food as well. Venus is all about enjoying life.
There are two zodiac signs that are ruled by Venus: Taurus and Libra.
Meaning of Neptune in Astrology
Neptune is one of the generational planets (along with Uranus and Pluto). These planets move slowly through the Zodiac, spending several years in each zodiac sign. Neptune stays in the same sign for approximately 14 years. Its orbital period is 165 years.
Neptune is the planet of surreal experiences. It is associated with the artistic inspiration, creativity, dreams, art, music, illusions. The negative side of this planet is about delusion, addictions, escapism, self-deception. Strong Neptunian influence can feel like being lost in the fog. Outer planets are not easy to keep under control. Neptune is associated with divine love and spirituality.
In astrology, Neptune is assigned as the planetary ruler of Pisces (previously ruled by Jupiter). It is in accidental dignity in the twelfth house of self-undoing.
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