The natal chart contains a wealth of information on various topics. Hints about the chart owner’s physical appearance are included too. There are some typical indicators of physical beauty and attractiveness in astrology, and in this article, you can find out what those are.
Needless to say, the primary influence to look for is Venus. When it comes to physical beauty, this planet is the most important indicator, albeit not the only one that can imply attractiveness. When you take a look at the birth charts of outstandingly good-looking people, you can usually find multiple of the aspects mentions below.
Besides Venus, the Moon, the Sun, Mars (particularly for men) and Neptune are also significant markers. Any aspect between these planets is good for appearance.
What Determines Physical Beauty in Astrology?
Needless to say, attractiveness is subjective. What society considers attractive also influences our perception of beauty. The following aspects and beauty placements are a general guideline what suggests outstanding looks. This article is focused on beauty in women in the first place, but most of these indicators work for guys too 😉
When it comes to physical appearance, the most important thing is the ascendant. This point and the sign here describes the physical body. Aspects to the ascendant color what you look like.
The first house is the house of self. This house is linked with the physical body, the first impressions you make on others, the energy you put out there in your environment. Planets here reveal information about the chart owner’s appearance. It also describes your personal style, and along with the sixth house, how you take care of your body, if you neglect it or enjoy taking care of it. However, this article is more focused on natural beauty.
General book recommendation if you want to read about physical appearance and body types in astrology: The Astrological Body Types by Judith A. Hill
Placements of Beauty in Astrology: Rising Signs
Certain signs on the ascendant indicate a harmonious, appealing appearance. Signs ruled by Venus, Taurus and Libra indicate a gracious, harmonious appearance. Venus in Taurus or in Libra has a slightly similar effect. Every zodiac sign has its own kind of beauty: Taurus is the beauty of spring flowers, Leo is the beauty of summer heat, Capricorn is the beauty of a snowy mountaintop. They are all different and it is highly subjective which is the most attractive to you.
Let’s begin with the first zodiac sign typically associated with beauty: Taurus. This is the sign of physical beauty. The ascendant in Taurus suggests natural good looks, harmonious, soft, sensual face (often square-shaped) and beautiful proportions. This rising sign usually implies good skin and expressive eyes. Plus Taurus risings are not only gorgeous, they often have enchanting voice too.
The next sign often emphasized in the charts of good-looking people is Leo. Leo rising people are usually of medium height, they have great posture and a regal appearance that commands respect. No matter what they do, they have royal looks. Their most prominent feature is their beautiful hair. Funnily, it can actually resemble the lion’s mane.
Leo risings are extremely self-confident. People are naturally attracted to them. They have insane charisma.Other Leo placements, such as Venus or Mars in Leo indicate beauty in astrology too. When it comes to personal style, Leo ascendant people enjoy expensive materials, jewelry (in particular gold), colors that make them stand out of the crowd.
Libra is another zodiac sign connected with beauty. The ascendant in Libra suggests graceful, lean, tall body. People with a strong Libra enjoy elegance and they have excellent taste.
No surprise at all, Scorpio made its way to this list too. People with this rising sign have expressive, hypnotizing eyes, piercing gaze, and their overall vibe is very sensual. They make a strong impression on others. These people are super charismatic.

Beauty Aspects in Astrology
Here are some more common indicators of attractiveness in astrology:
Venus conjunct Ascendant
Let’s start with a classic. Venus on the ascendant is one of the most common signs of physical beauty in the natal chart. Venus is the planet of beauty, harmony, aesthetics, so it’s not surprising that when it is placed on the ascendant, the native is stunning. Not just pretty, it takes your breath away how beautiful they are. Many celebrities have this placement, for example, Grace Kelly, Angelina Jolie, Beyonce, Selena Gomez.
Besides beauty, this aspect gifts you with charisma and charm as well.
Venus-Ascendant Aspects
Even if Venus is not on the ascendant, it can still suggest great looks. Any aspect between the ascendant and Venus points to beauty. The harmonious aspects (trine, sextile) are more straightforward, but even the hard aspects (square, opposition) and minor aspects seem to be beauty indicators in astrology.
Venus in aspect to the ruler of the first house also seems to have this effect.
Harmonious Saturn-Ascendant Aspects
Although it sounds strange at first, these aspects indicate that the older you grow, the better you look. Besides that, Saturn in a harmonious aspect with the ascendant suggests a beautiful bone structure and glowing skin. Saturnian beauty resembles a marble sculpture. The ascendant in Capricorn or Aquarius has the same effect to some extent.
Saturn is generally associated with unpleasant things, but let’s not forget that it is exalted in Libra, a Venus-ruled sign. Saturn likes harmony and order.
Sun-Venus Aspects and Beauty in Astrology
Venus in aspect to the Sun is another common indicator of beauty in astrology. People with the conjunction tend to be extremely good-looking and charismatic. There is something about that charms people away. Sun-Venus synergy is not just an attractiveness placement but it suggests a pleasant personality as well.

Venus Trine or Sextile Neptune
These two planets on contact with each other are common placements of beauty in the natal chart.
People with Venus-Neptune aspects enjoy fashion and they are strikingly well-dressed. They have an eye for aesthetic. These natives love to experiment with their looks and enjoy beauty in general. Their talent and skills help them look their best, emphasize what is beautiful on them and conceal their weaknesses.
Neptune-Ascendant Aspects
Although not a typical indicator of attractiveness, Neptune in aspect to the ascendant gifts you with a special glow, a mysterious, almost magical energy. This planet has a mesmerizing effect. You might not have the perfect features, but you are extremely charismatic. You give off enchanting, fairylike energy and you charm people away at the first glance. However, others might project their ideals on you, what can be frustrating.
Neptune in aspect to the ascendant indicates beautiful, dreamy eyes. This planet suggests a princesslike appearance.
Neptune-ascendant aspects are commonly seen in the charts of models. Neptune rules photography, cinematography, glamour. Besides the ascendant, Neptune in aspect to the Midheaven is another common placement of beauty in astrology.
The Moon and Attractiveness in Astrology
Although the Moon is not linked with beauty in the strict sense, it does have to do with harmony. Besides the Moon’s aspects to the ascendant, Moon signs tend to reveal information about the physical appearance too for women. As a planet of feminine energy, the Moon is more influential in the charts of women. If it has a prominent location in the chart, for example, conjunct the ascendant or the Midheaven, the native gives off feminine energy, regardless of their gender.
People who have the Moon on the ascendant are curvy, have big eyes (usually dark or darker than the eyes of their relatives). They tend to have luscious hair and they are usually not too tall. The Moon on the ascendant suggests doe-like eyes with beautiful eyelashes.
A natal Moon-Venus conjunction is also a beauty placement in the natal chart.
In the birth chart, Mars represents vitality and physical strength. This planet gives you charisma and drive when it aspects the ascendant or the Sun. It suggests a muscular, lean, stronger build and great vitality. The face is usually sharp with piercing eyes.
Regardless of your actual gender, people with a prominent Mars give off masculine energy.
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