What makes you angry? So angry that you want to throw a glass or a plate at the wall! And just scream endlessly like a madman.
When someone violates your boundaries, you feel anger. The parts of the human psyche responsible for aggression and self-defense are what we are going to talk about in this article. They are associated with Mars in astrology.
Mars is a fascinating planet, dangerous and exciting at the same time.
It governs violence, war, strife, wounds, cuts—doesn’t sound too peaceful, right?
But as always in astrology, the meaning of Mars in the natal chart is more complex. Without Mars, we would spend all our lives asleep.
In this article, we’ll dig deep into the nature of Mars in astrology.
What Does Mars Represent In Astrology?
Mars is the smallest planet of the Solar System after Mercury. It has a reddish color which is why it’s also called the Red Planet. You can see it with the naked eye, Mars was already known and used by early civilizations.
In a nutshell, Mars in astrology governs drive, energy, lust and violence. It represents the warrior and the hero. Mars is the root chakra, focused on survival. There is both a good and a bad side to it, and it needs the balance of its polar opposite, Venus, for us to make the most out of it.
The planet Mars is named after the Roman god of war, Mars. He is the equivalent of the Greek Ares. People were afraid of him, because they knew how powerful his destructive power is. When Mars is set free, the world turns into chaos.
But when used constructively, this planet can be your greatest asset. Mars represents your ambition and drive. It forces you to keep fighting for your dreams and reach your goals. Mars is the engine of your personality. This planet is your willpower and it helps you be assertive when it is necessary.
Mars also governs insensitivity, cruelty, aggression. It is an extremely fiery planet, and you have to keep it under control because it potentially very destructive. Mars rules war, weapons, iron and fire. In the human body, Mars is the ruler of the muscular system, red blood cells, the head and the face.
The glyph used for Mars depicts the shield and spear of Mars (but if you prolong it, it can also resemble the male genitalia). Mars’s symbol looks like this: ♂︎. This sign is used for males, as Mars has very masculine and active energy.
Keywords of Mars
Here is a list of what is associated with Mars in astrology:
- desire
- energy
- ambition
- willpower
- drive
- sexuality
- basic urges
- war
- aggression
- anger
- destruction
- courage.
Which Zodiac Sign Does Mars Rule?
Each zodiac sign has a ruling planet in astrology.
Mars is a hotheaded, driven and quick planet which always wants to win. The zodiac sign Aries is also alert and full of energy. They share many similar qualities, hence Mars is the planetary ruler of Aries in astrology.
Aries is the natural sign of the first house in the natal chart, the house of beginnings. Mars is in accidental dignity in this house. If it is located here in the chart, it operates well, no matter which sign is it in.
In the early days, astrologers considered Mars to be the planetary ruler of both Aries and Scorpio.
However, since the discovery of Pluto in 1930, Mars has been the co-ruler of Scorpio. Traditional astrologers don’t use the outer planets, so they still consider Mars the ruling planet of Scorpio. Scorpio is associated with the eighth house in the natal chart, so if you have Mars here, it is a great placement as Mars is powerful in the eighth house.
Mars is in detriment in Libra, in fall in Cancer and it is exalted in Capricorn.
Retrograde Mars
Read more: Retrograde Mars in Astrology
Mars goes retrograde relatively often. Its orbit is 687 days, which means it spends about two months in each zodiac sign. During this period, sometimes it seems like it is moving backward—this is when Mars goes retrograde. This is of course, not true, it is just how we see it from the Earth. The retrograde period is approximately 2-3 months every two years.
If you were born with a retrograde Mars in the natal chart, you can repress aggression and find it hard to let go of frustration. A retrograde Mars in astrology suggests that the person is focused on their inner world, and they rely on themselves instead of waiting for others to help them.

Meaning of Mars in Astrology
Mars has a dual nature and there is a fine line between the constructive and the destructive use of its energies. If you learn how to use Mars properly, it helps you execute your plans and move forward. It is the planet of taking action, after all. However, if you don’t learn how to control it and combine Martian energies with proper thinking, these actions can damage both you and those around you.
Mars gives us courage. It knows that you can win, and helps you to follow through and achieve your goals. Mars is the little voice that keeps telling you that you are capable and wants you to win. Named after the god of war, Mars knows how to fight and it loves victory. Mars always wants to be the first and doesn’t accept ‘no’ as an answer.
To tell the truth, Mars LOVES competition and the adrenaline rush that comes with it. Mars in astrology governs combativeness, courage, and fearlessness. Danger excites the red planet. Mars is never afraid of conflict, which can be a disadvantage, too.
In the human psyche, Mars is the basic drive that is focused on survival—both on a physical level (the fight-or-flight response and the reproductive instinct) and on a mental level. It makes you fight for your dreams and stand up for yourself. Mars is your stamina and ambition.
Sexuality and Mars in Astrology
Sexuality is a complex topic, and there are more planets and houses related to it in astrology. Mars, Venus and Pluto all have a say here. Mars is the raw physical instinct.
Romance, flowers and candlelight are not important here. Soft seduction is not what Mars is known for in astrology, the red planet represents the animal part of the psyche. The sexual energies here are directed on
Mars plays a big role in sexuality. It represents raw physical instincts and doesn’t care about romance, flowers and candlelight. Mars is the exact opposite of Venus, that’s why they are attracted to each other so powerfully.
Mars and the Physical Body
Each planet governs different aspects of life: the Moon is your emotional side, Venus wants beauty around her, Saturn is here for hard work, Pluto is the planet of deep transformation, and so on. Every planet is important and their symbiosis is essential for a fulfilled life.
Mars is the planet of the physical world: it governs sexual urges, physical exercise and physical vitality.
In the chart of sportsmen and sportswomen there is often a prominent Mars. If this planet is well-aspected, it gives tremendous stamina and physical strength. Count in the urge to win and the love for competition, and you’ll get the perfect athlete. Those who have Mars strong in their charts usually excel at sports, even if they don’t pursue a career in it. If your Mars is emphasized, it is important to find an outlet for all these fiery energies.
However, if you don’t utilize Martian energies properly, you can be accident-prone and flamboyant. Mars is known as an impatient planet, and it’s easy to make decisions in a rush here.
As the planet of war, it can also indicate physical violence. Mars is the urge to protect yourself, but if it is afflicted in a chart, it can suggest a violent and aggressive person. At its worst, Mars is the killer and sadist. For this to be the case, however, there are always multiple signs in the chart.
Mars in the Natal Chart
The position of Mars in the birth chart is important, you should pay attention to its sign, house and all the aspects it makes with the rest of the chart.
The house of Mars in your natal chart shows where you invest the most of your energy. As this planet represents your drive and ambition, the life areas of this house matter to you a lot. Someone with Mars in the second house might focus their energy on material security and prosperity. To this person, the matters of the second house are very important.
The sign of your Mars describes how you assert yourself, your attitude towards security and in what way you fight for your dreams. For example, Mars in Aries is quick, aggressive and brave, while Mars in Libra has a more diplomatic and cooperative approach.
If Mars touches some of the personal points in a chart (the ascendant, Midheaven or the Sun, or example), your personality reflects a lot of Mars’s nature. People with prominent Mars are usually competitive, have a great amount of ambition and they are full of energy.
Mars gives a fiery energy to any planet it is in contact with. For example, Mars in aspect with Mercury gives a sharp tongue and a quick mind, which is why you can often find this aspect in the charts of lawyers. Mars in aspect with the Sun makes it fiery and impulsive, and so on.
In the natal chart, the house of Mars represents the life areas you are the most passionate about and where you invest the most of your energy. Understanding your Mars helps understand your motivations and desires better.
Find where your Mars is located and read the description of your placement!
Read more: Mars in Houses
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Great information! By the way, a link to Mars in Signs is missing.