If you have your natal north node in Aries, this article is for you. It’s time to talk about the north node through the signs!
People who have this placement in their birth chart need to embrace the traits of Aries more. When young, this sign probably feels strange to you. If you have some other planets in Aries, this north node sign might be easier for you, as you are already familiar with the energy of the Ram. A strong Mars is also helpful. It takes a lot of time to develop your north node, in most cases, you start to identify with it only in the second part of your life. Your soul wants to learn to be independent in this lifetime. At a young age, north node in Aries people tend to be too cooperative and they often don’t stand up for themselves even on occasions when they should. Being bold and direct is an important life lesson. Finding your identity is also important with the north node in Aries.
In the birth chart, the nodal axis is of special importance. Even though the north node and south node are not existing celestial objects, it would be a big mistake to underestimate their importance. These points represent what you have to learn in this lifetime. They are also referred to as Rahu and Ketu.
The north node in Aries automatically means that your south node is in Libra. This position is very similar to having the north node in the first house.
Keep reading to learn more about the north node in Aries in the birth chart!
North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra
In order to understand what your soul wants to learn in the future, it is helpful to first reflect on the past, right?
Since the lunar nodes are exactly opposite each other, they always take place in opposite signs. If you have your north node in Aries, your south node is in Libra, as these signs are polar opposites.
Aries and Libra are very different, but they complement each other, and you have to create balance between them with this placement.
The south node reveals what are the things that are already familiar to you, what is that you do really well. With the north node in Aries and south node in Libra, you are great at relating with others, creating harmony and maintaining peace. However, there is a tendency to be too nice, and avoid stepping on someone’s shows at any price.
People with this placement usually learned as children to pay attention to the needs of others. They were taught to be sweet and kind. This helped them develop tact and they have great diplomatic skills. The north node in Aries suggests that you want to take care of others, but in this process, you sometimes forget that you have needs, too.
In the past, you were more often in a relationship than not, and it became natural for you to make compromises. The north node in Aries suggest a tendency to define yourself through others. You are eager to please and often afraid of being left on your own. When under pressure, there is a tendency to let others violate your boundaries instead of accidentally hurting someone’s feelings. This is particularly true in close relationships and one-on-one partnerships.
A typical issue with the north node in Aries is that you often put others before yourself. At the same time, this can make you feel drained and make you feel that you give more than you get. Being selfish is very unfamiliar to you. However, it is important to take care of yourself and realize that the more you have, the more you can give to others (not just money, this can be anything, energy, inspiration, joy, etc.).
The north node in Aries suggests that you need to learn to get what you want and actively pursue your goals. In the past, you might have relied too much on others, or you expected your partner to be perfect. This placement suggests that you need to be focused on yourself and be there for yourself more.
With the south node in Libra, justice is very important for you. People with this placement strive to create balance. Conflicts make most people with this placement freak out, especially if they have to choose a side. You want harmony more than anything.
However, this is not where growth can happen in this lifetime. It is time to be an individual and be more independent. This is not to say that you completely have to leave behind the traits of Libra. Not at all, but as time passes, Libra energy is likely to stay in the background, and you learn to appreciate the traits of the Ram more. Since every sign has both a negative and a positive side, replace the weaknesses of Libra with the strengths of Aries (and grow in the process a lot!).
North Node in Aries
The north node in Aries suggests that by embracing the traits of this zodiac sign, your soul can learn important life lessons and grow spiritually. Establishing your identity is a key life lesson with the north node in Aries. For these people, it is important to have a great relationship with yourself. You are likely to experience life events that force you to be more self-reliant and brave.
Independence is very hard for people with this placement in the birth chart. The charm and good social skills of Libra are of your advantage in establishing strong boundaries. A great way to do this is to pay attention to your instincts and emotional reactions. What makes you angry? When do you feel that your boundaries are violated? These emotions can guide you and help you take better care of yourself.
Aries is a very physical sign, full of energy. For north node in Aries people, taking good care of your body is very important. You could benefit from physical exercise and strengthening your body. It is also important to be active with this placement.

The North Node in Astrology
There are two lunar nodes: the north node and the south node. These points are calculated as the intersection between the Moon’s orbit and the ecliptic. They are always retrograde, and their orbital period is approximately 18,6 years.
The Moon’s nodes are very important in astrology. In the birth chart, they show what is the purpose of this incarnation, why your soul wanted to experience life. The lunar nodes are particularly significant in karmic astrology. If you don’t believe in reincarnation, you can treat them as your personal past in this lifetime, and the direction your future self wants to grow towards. The lunar nodes are also important in synastry, and someone’s planets conjunct these points in your chart (or vice versa) color the relationship to a great extent.
What is the role of the north node and the south node in the birth chart?
The lunar nodes are always placed directly opposite each other. If you have your north node in Scorpio in the third house, your south node is located in Taurus in the ninth house.
The north node shows what life lessons your soul wants to learn in this lifetime. It represents a sign and life area that is relatively new to your soul. As such, it requires a great deal of effort and patience. But don’t worry, you’ll get there! The good thing about the north node is that once you start to align your life with it, you feel very happy and fulfilled. It is the amazing feeling of having a purpose. The north node is what can help you grow the most.
The south node, on the other hand, tells a different story. The south node is your past. In the birth chart, the house and sign of the south node show things that you already do well. In the life areas that correspond to the south node you feel at home and you excel here. The traits of the sign where the south node is placed show what you have mastered in the past. This energy feels very familiar to you. However, there is no room for growth in the comfort zone, and in this lifetime, it is time to learn new things, represented by the north node in astrology.
The Zodiac Sign Aries
As the cardinal fire sign, Aries is explosive and high on energy. This sign just makes it happen.
Aries season marks the beginning of spring when nature is in bloom and everything is full of life. The same is true of those with Aries strong in their birth charts. Aries season ranges from approximately the 20th of March to the 21st of April.
In the chart wheel, Aries is associated with the first house, as it is the first zodiac sign. The ruling planet of Aries is Mars.
Some of the keywords of Aries include hot-headed, impatient, fiery, full of energy, aggressive, determined. As the first sign of the Zodiac, it is pioneering and loves to be the first at everything. Aries loves to fight and loves to win. This zodiac sign either finds a way or makes one. Nothing is impossible for the Ram.
If you want to learn more about Aries, check out this article.
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