Did you know that only 23% of Sagittarians want an ordinary existence? Sagittarius is definitely not your average wallflower, it’s exploding with color and buzz. There is no sign more idealistic and optimistic than the Archer. It’s time to explore the meaning of the zodiac sign Sagittarius in astrology.
Sagittarians are known as generous, adventure-loving souls full of contagious enthusiasm. According to them, life is an opportunity for expansion and broadening your horizons. It’s about being and remaining open for new ways of thinking. Sagittarius finds it hard to stay in one place for a long time (both mentally and physically). This sign needs freedom and new experiences more than anything.
Some Data on Sagittarius
Following mysterious Scorpio, Sagittarius is the ninth zodiac sign. The word Sagittarius is the Latin for archer. You can remember this easily as the glyph used for this sign looks like a simplified arrow: . Actually, Sagittarius is a centaur. Half horse and half man, it’s trotting on the road and gazing into the distance, might there be something exciting. Sagittarius is about understanding the world around us (and in us).
The ruling planet of Sagittarius is Jupiter, the planet of luck, wisdom, and abundance in astrology. In addition to the planetary ruler, each sign is connected to a house in the chart wheel. For Sagittarius, this is the ninth house of the chart, as they share similar topics (they are all about new experiences and ADVENTURE).
In astrology, the Sun is in Sagittarius between the 22nd of November and 21st of December. This period ends with the winter solstice.

Element and Quality of Sagittarius in Astrology
Sagittarius combines fire with mutable mode. But what this exactly mean? Let’s break down this sentence into smaller parts to figure out how Sagittarius operate.
- Element: Sagittarius is a fire sign by element. The two other fire signs are Aries and Leo. These zodiac signs are self-confident, motivated, and have very high energy levels. Fire signs are leaders rather than followers. There is a radiating warm energy to them. Actually, fire signs are charismatic and inspirational, so people find it easy to follow them.
- Modality: This is another important term in astrology, there are three modes: cardinal, fixed and mutable. Sagittarius is a mutable sign. This quality is all about adaptation. Super flexible, mutable signs are not afraid of changes, they love versatility and they are always up for new experiences. During the year, they occur at the end of the seasons.
- Polarity: In the Zodiac, each sign is of opposite polarity than the preceding sign. Following passive or feminine Scorpio, Sagittarius represents the active or masculine energy.
If you want to learn more about these classifications, go for the article on modality and element in astrology.
How to Know If Sagittarius Is Strong in Your Natal Chart
If a zodiac sign is strong in your chart, it means that you have the Sun, Moon, the ascendant or multiple (personal) planets there. There are house cups more important than the others in the natal chart (the cusps of the angular houses: the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th). The signs on the angles are more prominent in the chart.
In case you have any of the above-mentioned components of the natal chart are in Sagittarius, this is an important hint for you and you can probably identify with the traits of Sagittarius a lot.
The Sun, its position and aspects are super significant in a birth chart, as this luminary represents your inner personality. If your Sun sign is Sagittarius, this sign has an enormous influence over you. The same is true if your Sun takes place in the ninth house. It doesn’t give you as much Sagittarian energies as a Sun Sagittarius by sign, but if you’ve got the Sun in the house of Sagittarius, it shares some qualities of a Sagittarius Sun by default, nevertheless of its actual sign.
Moon in Sagittarius and if you are a Sagittarius rising will also make you a Sag in many ways.
Another case Sagittarius can be emphasized in your birth chart if you have many planets in this sign or in your ninth house.

The Philosopher of the Zodiac
In the natal chart, Sagittarius represents the need for truth.
Sitting on a rock and staring into the distance, many questions pop into your head. Why are we here? What is the purpose of our existence? How can you reach infinity?
These questions are well-known to a Sagittarius. Ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion and wisdom, those born under this sign are always after knowledge. They want to learn as much as they can, and they find many ways to help them discover the world.
In astrology, the ninth house, the house associated with Sagittarius and Jupiter govern higher education. If you have an emphasized ninth house, this will probably be an important life area to you.
Sagittarius is also about spirituality. This sign loves to wonder about the meaning of life, the universe and they have strong beliefs. Ethics is fascinating to them and they strive to live up to their own moral standards. The most important thing in life is freedom to a Sagittarius. They choose freedom over anything.
If the Archer is your sign, you have an opinion on everything. If you don’t, you’ll quickly get yourself one. Sagittarius speaks his mind, which is good in general, though they share their views sometimes bluntly and without tact. Developing patience is a good choice here.
Sagittarius in Astrology —Always on the Move
The Archer is all about expanding your horizons, even on a physical level. This sign needs adventure like they need air. The ninth house, the house of Sagittarius in astrology is associated with long-distance travel, foreign languages, and meeting new cultures. Knowing this, it’s no surprise that Sagittarius people are adventurous and full of wanderlust. They want new experiences and the broader horizons they bring.
If there is a sign that is extremely passionate about traveling, it’s Sagittarius in astrology. From time to time, they simply need to pack up and hit the road.
People born under Sagittarius often end up working in tourism, linguistics, or any other job that requires a lot of travel and working with with foreign cultures.
Their need for new experiences feeds the wanderlust of Sagittarius. With every new place, there come new customs. New food. New language. New way of thinking. Sagittarius has no choice but to be open-minded. Those born under the Archer are very tolerant, so it’s easy for them to get along with folks from a variety of cultures.
As a mutable sign, Sagittarius enjoys that journeys change you. In every place you visit, you pick up something new and special, and you never leave a place as the same person who arrived there. This sign also knows that travel is perhaps the best way to get a deeper understanding of the world and what (and why) is happening in it. It will soon make you realize that places are the same, yet so very different at the same time.
Sagittarius is truly a citizen of the world.
Sagittarius, a Super Extroverted Zodiac Sign
As they are always out there, Sagittarians inevitably make contact with a lot of people. They love to make new friends (and journeys are an excellent opportunity to meet incredible people, by the way).
“A journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles.”
― Tim Cahill
Extroverted and outgoing, this sign is super talkative. And it has good persuasion skills. (However, YOU can’t influence THEM. Don’t even try.) Actually, they are so good at this that many Sags work as marketers or in sales.
Being a fire sign, Sagittarius is full of energy. They come with great leadership abilities, their enthusiasm is super inspirational for those around them. Generous and optimistic (they are ruled by Jupiter, after all), they see the silver lining in every situation. The glass is always half full to a Sagittarius. High spirits is a synonym for Sagittarius.
Because they have so much energy, physical exercise is an excellent way to vent for Sagittarians. This sign is into sports and they are quite athéetic themselves, too. Most Archers enjoy spending time in nature and they are fond of animals (especially horses).
What Is a Sagittarius Weakness?
Each zodiac sign has its unique strengths and weaknesses in astrology. To get an idea of the biggest Sagittarius pitfalls, keep reading.
Impatience is a Trap
Generally speaking, Sagittarius is better at finding new ideas than executing on them. As a mutable sign, it has to work on persistence inevitable to turn an idea in to reality. Procrastination is another issue of Sagittarius in astrology.
Because of their optimism, those born under the Archer sometimes ignore real dangers. Always looking upward and forward, Sagittarius often misses the here and now. They simply lack a sense of reality. Jupiter is the planet of expansion (this gas giant is the biggest planet in the Solar System, after all), whatever it touches, Jupiter expands it.
Ruled by Jupiter, Sagittarians also tend to exaggerate. If they don’t have this problem soothed by some earthy placements in their chart, they often have an overpromise and underdeliver approach. This doesn’t do any good for them in the long run.
With the impulsiveness of the fire signs, Sagittarius often makes decisions without doing the research and analyzing the problem. This sign often behaves carelessly.
Sagittarius is chronically impatient.
Develop Some Diplomacy Skills
Another possible weak point of Sagittarius is its argumentative and pushy approach. If (seriously) afflicted, people born under this sign can become convinced that their and only their views are right, and everyone else is wrong. They need to finding the balance between following their own intuition and respecting other people’s opinions.
Sagittarius in Love
Sagittarius are in love with love. This sign is always open for experimenting and they are fun to be with. Passionate and generous, Sagittarians make unforgettable lovers.
This sign is not the most loyal one in the Zodiac, and freedom is the most precious to them. They are slow to commit, and they need a lot of freedom. If they feel restricted, they’ll get out of the relationship. But if they fall in love with you, they want you to join them on their journeys and have fun ALL the time.
Signs of the Zodiac
Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
What if my Sun is both in Sagittarius and the house of Sagittarius? Because I have my Sun both in Sagittarius and its own house, which is the 9th house. My rising sign is in late-Pisces (28 degrees Pisces).
this is the first time i have seen a thorough description of sag that totally fit me (i have a seven planet stellium, stelliums in both sixth and seventh houses with sag). usually i struggle with how people describe it but everything you say is totally accurate, such that i am considering, huh, maybe i should change careers and do something that would allow me to travel more. thanks for the clarity!