After spring kicks in with enthusiastic and bold Aries season, it’s time for some Taurean energy. The task of Taurus in astrology is to turn the promise of blossoms into crops.
This sign is the second in the Zodiac. Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty. Every sign is associated with a glyph. For Taurus, this is the head of a bull. The word Taurus means Bull in Latin.
The first thought that comes to your mind is probably a dangerous, ranging and bloodthirsty animal. But as Steven Forrest points out in his book The Inner Sky, this is not the case. The Bull is here a peaceful creature, who is strong enough to harvest the fruits of earth by hard work and persistence.

The Sun stays in Taurus between the 20th of April and the 20th of May each year. During Taurus season, nature is in bloom to the fullest and the earth vibrates with joy. This should be no surprise, as this zodiac sign is ruled by Venus, the planet of joy and harmony. In astrology, Taurus rules flowers, fruits, luxuries, to name a few and give you a better understanding of this sign. It is all about saying yes to the beauty around you.
Each zodiac sign is connected to a house in astrology. For Taurus, this is the second house of values and possessions.
If the Bull is your sign, you are often labeled as materialistic and possessive. Well, you can’t deny that safety is important to you, but there is much more to this wonderful zodiac sign.
When Is Taurus Strong in Your Natal Chart?
If you have one of the following placements in your natal chart, you will find the description for Taurus in astrology very accurate.
The Sun is the most important of all celestial bodies, so we will start with this luminary. It represents the core of the personality. If your Sun is in Taurus in the natal chart, Taurus is who you really are, it’s the inner you. You can identify with its qualities in case your Sun is in the natural house of Taurus, aka the second house in the natal chart. The Sun here takes on many overtones of the Sun in Taurus.
Often happens that someone appears to be a Taurus when you meet them for the first time. The reason behind can be that they are a Taurus rising. If your ascendant is in Taurus, this sign is still a big part of how you think about yourself. You come across and feel often as though you were a Taurus, especially in the first part of your life.
The Moon represents your emotions and it’s an enormous part of who you are. If your Moon is located in Taurus, you identify with this sign in a great amount. The Moon is exalted in Taurus, which means that it operates in this sign very well.
If you have a few planets in Taurus or in the second house, this sign is important to you in this case, too. The same is true if Venus touches personal points in your natal chart, for example, if it’s conjunct your Sun or the ascendant.
Element and Modality of Taurus
Oriented on the here and now, Taurus is an earth sign. Earth signs include Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. These zodiac signs want stability in the first place. They are willing to work hard to achieve their goals and they have a practical approach to life. The phrase to stand firmly on the ground doesn’t exist for nothing -the earth signs embody this quality.
You can also group the signs by mode or quality in astrology: there are cardinal, fixed and mutable zodiac signs. Taurus is a fixed sign, like Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. Fixed signs are oriented on consistency and stability. They try to avoid changes (except changes initiated by them, those are welcome). When they make up their mind, they stick with their choice -they are famous for their persistence. And stubbornness, too.
Taurus in Astrology
This sign is often undervalued, but Taurus has many unique and valuable traits. To begin with, the planetary ruler, Venus gifted Taurus people with a love for beauty and refined aesthetic taste. Many of those born under Taurus have some form of artistic talent. In the human body, Taurus rules the neck, throat and vocal cords. This sign often gives a pleasant voice and it is often emphasized in the natal chart of singers and musicians.
As an earth sign, Taurus is focused on the here and now of the physical world. Sometimes referred to as materialistic, Taurus is a sign that works hard and enjoys spending money on high quality products and luxuries. It knows how to enjoy life and relax.
Taurus people are hedonists. They enjoy and spend a lot on good food and wine, clothing, jewelry, making their home a lovely place. Comfort is very important to them, they function better in a beautiful and cozy environment. This Venusian sign loves the finer things in life, and they are highly motivated to be able to afford them, too. This leads us to one of the things Taurus people are best known for: their enormous earning power.
These folks are usually extremely talented in the field of finances. Like Aries, this sign knows how to make money and they also know how to invest it. Taurus has a strong inner drive to accumulate wealth. Financial stability is important for them, they don’t like to take risks. As a fixed sign, Taurus is determined and focused. It’s famous for its persistence in astrology. If this is your sign, you are aware of the hard work it takes to survive on this planet. A practical and economical approach is describes your actions. You make tremendous effort to reach your goals and turn your dreams into reality.
A Gentle but Assertive Personality
Those born under Taurus are lovers of harmony. They are quite laid back and have a calm demeanor. A Taurus rarely is the one to start a conflict, but if you provoke them, expect a harsh response. It’s a strong and brave sign, after all. If you attack a Taurus person, they will respond in a rather aggressive way and go from a peaceful bull to the famous raging bull in no time. Expect to be demolished. The Bull is not the one to play games with.
Emotional and mental stability is one of the greatest assets of Taurus in astrology. This zodiac sign is well-known for its common sense and strong attachment to reality. All earth signs have this gift, but Taurus is particularly good in using it for solving problems (or determining if it’s a problem that needs to be solved at all). If you need a second opinion or some practical advice, the Taurus friend is your go-to person.
Taurus the Force
This sign is perhaps the most self-reliant in the Zodiac. If Taurus wants something, they won’t wait for anyone to give it to them. They are self-starters and get things done. You would sometimes label them as workaholic -Taurus is the provider in astrology. Their realistic approach usually gets them far in life.
However, this sign doesn’t like hurry. Structure and stability are very important to Taurus. They take their time and consider all options before making a decision. Taurus carefully weighs both the pros and cons, and once they make up their mind, they stick to their decision.
Taurus people know how to take care of themselves, the chances are much higher that you’ll need them to take care of you than for them to need you. They are resilient and very tough. People born under the Bull are actually gentle and caring souls. They are pretty straightforward and say it as it is. Labeled as possessive, Taurus protects what’s his, but readily share the excess with those who close to his heart. He finds great joy in helping those who can profit from his wisdom and experience.
Negative Traits of Taurus in Astrology (in No Particular Order)
Taurus is the sign of hedonism. To give you an example, their love for good food can make some of them even physically resemble a bull. If Taurus people overestimate their financial resources, they end up spending too much on things they couldn’t really afford. There is nothing wrong with enjoying life as long as you know when to stop. Self-control and self-discipline can make or break your success in life.
For a Taurus, it’s important to keep in mind that money is important but not the most important. This sign can get lost in making money. This is when they turn into the Taurean stereotype and become too material, greedy and possessive. But sooner or later they will have to realize that this is a trap. It’s crucial to keep in mind that emotional fulfillment is the salt of life, not a big bank account just for the sake of owning it.
Never Forget That Taurus Is a Fixed Sign
Let’s roast this sign some more. Does the simile stubborn as a bull sound familiar?
Taurus is extremely stubborn and the most determined of all zodiac signs. If you want to make a Taurus change its mind, well, we can only wish you good luck. You’ll definitely need it. If you are a Taurus, try to argue less and admit when you are wrong.
The only way to prove that your idea is valid is by subtle persuasion using smart arguments. A Bull will just stick to its opinion harder if you try to force your views on them. No matter if even the Taurus is aware his logical errors. They innately think that their opinions are simply the best. Compromise is not a Taurus thing.
Those born under the Bull can be argumentative and short-tempered (if you irritate them). The truth is that they are very sensitive people and criticism hits them hard. At first glance, you wouldn’t guess so, but Taurus folks are emotionally very vulnerable.
Taurus in Love
If you are a Taurus, your significant other is a very lucky person. This sign is loyal and once you are in, you can always count on a Taurus (and they expect the same from their partner, too -trust is the most important to this sign).
They will shower love on you all the time and they would do just about anything for those close to their heart. Taurus people are compassionate souls who genuinely care for their partner. And they make extremely good lovers, too.
Taurus people take their time to decide on whether is a relationship or a partner right for them, but if they make their choice, they value the relationship much. They look for stability and reliability. A sense of humor is also high on the list. Taurus values tradition and you have better chances to win their heart if you are somewhat conservative yourself, too.
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