Welcome to the wonderful world of Pisces, filled with dreams and creative vibes! Are you into movies, art and fantasy? Mystical Pisces is your sign then. It’s the poet of the Zodiac.
The strengths and weaknesses of Pisces in astrology are often intertwined, as the characteristics of Pisces, such as compassion and sensitiveness are both a blessing and a curse. But it’s up to you to learn to use the energies constructively!
Those born under Pisces are (in)famous for their sensitivity and intuition. They are compassionate and want to make the world a better place. Ruled by mystical and spiritual Neptune, many of these people are gifted with some kind of artistic talent.
If there was a competition between the zodiac sign about who is the sweetest, no matter how much Aries or Capricorn wanted to win, they had no chances. The first three places would be reserved for Libra, Cancer and the Fish.
Some Data on Pisces in Astrology
Pisces is the twelfth and the last sign of the Zodiac. This hints that this is a very special sign, the sign of all endings and it belongs to an other world. This makes it hard for the other signs to understand Pisces.
Correspondingly, Pisces is the sign of the twelfth house in the natural chart, the most mystical house of all. The infamous twelfth house us the house of illusions, maritime matters, the subconscious and everything hidden. It’s the place where you merge with the greater whole.
Named after the constellation Pisces, Pisces means fish in Latin. All symbols in astrology have a unique meaning. The glyph of this sign represents two fish that want to swim in the opposite direction but they are bond together. It look like this: ♓️. The inner tension is well-known to those born under this sign, and brings a confusion that is definitely a challenge in the everyday life.
The ruling planet of Pisces is mystical and spiritual Neptune, discovered only in 1846. Before the discovery of Neptune, Pisces was ruled by Jupiter. Neptune gifts people with extraordinary imagination and intuition, but if you aren’t careful, it makes you develop escapist tendencies and run into a world of illusions.
During the year, the Sun appears to be in Pisces between the 19th of February and 20th March (in the tropical zodiac). This time of the year aligns with the end of winter and darkness.

Pisces Element and Quality in Astrology
First things first, Pisces is a water sign by element (those born under this sign are actually in love with the ocean and all kinds of water) and a mutable sign by mode. Here is what this means:
- Element: There are four elements in astrology: fire, earth, air, and water. The Fish is of course a water sign, like Cancer and Scorpio. Pisces swims with ease in the sea of emotions, like all water signs, and they find it easy to tap into the waters of the unconscious. This might be reason why they have the gift of a powerful intuition.
- Modality: Pisces is a mutable sign. Mutable signs occur at the end of the seasons, and they represent endings and the process of change. This modality is super flexible, so it’s easy for them to adapt to any new situation.
- Polarity: The zodiac sign Pisces has a receptive or feminine energy in astrology.
When Makes Pisces Strong in Your Natal Chart
If you were born between February 19th and March 20th, your Sun is in Pisces. This placement makes the Fish a super important sign in our chart as it is who you truly are, the Sun represents the core of your personality in the natal chart.
The position of the Sun by house modifies the ways of its expression. If your Sun is placed in your twelfth house, it will get some Piscean traits, no matter what is its actual sign.
The second most important planet is the Moon in astrology (which is actually not a planet, but for the sake of simplicity, astrologers has referred to it as such since ages). So, the Moon represents your emotions, mood, instincts and habits. The Moon feels comfortable in this sign, so this placements gives a strong intuition and a vivid imagination.
If you are a Pisces rising, this sign still describes you in many ways. Your outer personality reflects the qualities of Pisces, and if people wanted to guess your zodiac sign, they would say that you are a Pisces.
A prominent Neptune in the birth chart (like Neptune conjunct ascendant, the Sun or Midheaven) gives you many Piscean qualities, too. A stellium in Pisces or in the twelfth house also emphasizes the Fish in your chart.
The Sixth Sense of Pisces in Astrology
Pisces is a very complex sign and it’s hard for the rest of the Zodiac what’s going in their head. Like real fish live in water, Piscean folks live in another dimension not available for the more materialistic signs. Pisces spends a part of its life in the mystic ocean of fantasies and the subconscious.
Knowing this, it’s no wonder that water signs are the most intuitive in the Zodiac. Pisces is extremely in tune with its higher self, even they often don’t understand themselves and have no idea how they do it, but they have crazy intuition. Their gut feelings are their inner compass.
Pisces is able to sense things others can’t. People who have this sign strong in their natal chart have access to the secrets and mysteries of the world. Combine this with their hypersensitivity that enables them to notice things no one else does, and you get an extreme level of creativity.
Pisces is all about magic. Those born under the Fish have a vivid imagination and they often have intense dreams. Actually, sleeping is a way to reconnect with the greater whole and receive powerful ideas through dreams. A prominent Neptune or Pisces often gives artistic talents, Neptune being the higher octave of Venus. Music and performing arts are all part of Neptune and Pisces. Most Pisces people are in love with art and music.
Pisces, the Sign of Unconditional Love
Out of the four elements, water represents emotions. Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) are all sensitive and in tune with feelings. However, because of its relationship with Neptune and the twelfth house, Pisces is the most sensitive sign of the Zodiac.
They experience deep emotions on many levels. Pisces makes you hypersensitive, both in a sense of being disturbed by intense stimuli and having intense feelings. This excessive sensitivity makes the Fish empathetic (highly) above average. They can’t stand to see someone suffer, and they want to make the world a better place. It also makes you self-aware, which might be the reason why Pisces is often shy and quiet, especially when young.
Pisces people are wise old souls with a very pure heart. They are full of love and try to selflessly help others. This sign (and water signs in general) are blessed with high emotional intelligence, so they notice if something is wrong even if you don’t say a single word.
Religion and spirituality is often important to them, they prefer to develop a belief when they grow older. It’s a way to connect with the endless realm of Neptune. Pisces is a sign that wants to believe, both in a higher consciousness and in fellow human beings.
Running Away as a Coping Mechanism
The sensitivity of Pisces mentioned above has its disadvantages, too. Pisces is the sign in whose head the movie goes on even if the event is over. Since they react so intensely, it’s important not to let yourself become overwhelmed.
A healthy relationship with reality is key here, as Neptune and Pisces are on the negative side associated with illusions, fog and getting lost forever (or at least it’s hard to get back to reality). If Pisces becomes overwhelmed (this sign doesn’t perform well under pressure at all), they often choose to escape to their fantasy world, forgetting that we have to live in this world no matter how hard it is. Don’t forget that the shadow side of Pisces are addiction, alcohol and drugs. Of course, not all Pisces become addicts! But in general, running away is one of their coping mechanisms.
Pisces folks are super sensitive. It’s hard for them to draw a boundary between them and the world, and they are oversensitive both on a physical and an emotional level (be careful with alcohol and drugs if you have many placements in Pisces). Pisces are empaths and they feel the energies and vibrations of their surroundings very deeply. If a Pisces is surrounded by negative energies in a toxic environment, it affects them really badly.
Weaknesses of the Zodiac Sign Pisces in Astrology
The strong emotions of the Fish sometimes block rational thinking. As they are prone to getting stuck in unachievable dreams, this is a major issue here. Pisces people often make decisions based on emotions instead of rational arguments, so life areas like finances can be a challenge for them.
If you have Pisces strong in your natal chart, it’s essential for you to spend enough time alone. Solitude enables you to recharge and refresh your energies.
Because of its pure heart, those born under Pisces tend to be naive and be a target for fraud or fall prey to manipulation. For this sign, it’s important to keep in mind that not all people have good intentions and not everybody is as compassionate and gentle as you.
You can take care of others only if you yourself are taken care of. With Pisces emphasized in your chart, it’s crucial to learn that you are a priority. Even though you are the happiest when involved in a loving relationship, don’t let others take advantage of you.
Pisces in Love
Venus, the planet of love is exalted in Pisces in astrology (which means that it can operate here very well). The Fish is one of the most romantic signs of the Zodiac and they don’t just want a relationship, they want to find their soulmate. If you want a partner who will do everything for you and who is caring and passionate at the same time, you need a Piscean partner.
Signs of the Zodiac
Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
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